Political profanity Indonesia
Current and days - days, the situation of this country dahadapkan the situation heats up, first the earth's temperature increases due to climate change, both social and political situation, is not because the archipelago is entering the agenda ahead of elections of regional heads, in various provinces and districts in the City Indonesia menontonkan super action appointments, general conditions such as the rampant spread Poster candidates promise a promise from street to alley alley in villages and the city became the norm, and the fact that the poster was of course the dirty dusty smoke exposure in motor vehicles and wind shake, this mirrors the way politics in this country.
The politicians are sowing super pledge, promise original and probably false promises that could not be met if he became head of the region, political traditions in this country, both identical at the beginning and middle of the road until the end of the leadership be chaotic, sometimes these politicians go to jail or suspected corruption or unexpected things dirty things - other than smelling business bribery, corrupt business and politic behavior lainhya strange, maybe it is because the politicians have been contaminated due to street posters that meet the city streets and pollute the view of the city, so it seemed appropriate to do the odd politician - strange, strange indeed wong Politicians in this country, for example, posters were displayed throughout the streets of the city itself, should be enough in that photo ID only. not need LHA menontonkan streets face,,,, bizarre.
Look at the current time in the media, the various political parties menontonkan kesirikan, greed and hostility fellow, both from fellow party, friends and family. Politicians rarely brings the party and defend the people, envious and spiteful a political spectacle in this country, no shame and no shame brain, for example in the land of India, where a minister allegedly via mobile porn Watch movies instantly ministers resigned in shame, too Korea government officials suspected of corruption, also resigned, because no one has a brain malu.negeri peimpinpun to retreat.,
But the spectacle and the political education of the politicians of this country does not know shame, envious and jealous, and envious and spiteful unique spectacle transmitted without sin plus maluin embarrassed and ashamed of the people, until the politicians are more familiar tidal peers troubled times, even a enemies, envious and spiteful political point is the main thing in politics.
Or any form Sirik Party Pig (PARSIBA) whose content is rotten politicians that vision and mission Sirik Envy Pig style, this party will accommodate friends but at one point an enemy, the party consisting of people envious and sensible like a pig, party ready corruption bermilayaran dollars of public money without charge by the Court, the party was ready to stab my friends, either from the front or from the back, it looks like the party is cucok the political condition of the country's situation.
smart politics in a democratic American or Asian-style democracy will not change, if the intention of dirty style and ditontonkan Parsiba continue to be cultivated, then this country is always chaotic and continue to corrupt, but enough with good intentions and simplicity berpolitk this country will prosper.
or methods of democracy in partisan politics is not developed in this country cucok!!! need to be the best solution in search of a good leader, or need a good dictator in dismantling all the corrupt politics to destroy all evil keakar roots in this country, or the country is going to continue to fight with the principles of PARSIBA.