
Senin, 18 Februari 2013


1. The establishment of the SDI (Trade Syarikat Islam)

Trade Syarikat Islam was founded in Solo, on October 16, 1905 by Kyai Haji Samanhudi assisted by M. Asmadimejo, M. Kertokirono daqn M. Haji Rojak. Motif utma establishment of this organization is seeking to apply Islamic economic system in the world trade of Indonesia. Especially for traders batik in Solo. Ahead of the birth of SDI, a sharp discrimination of deliberately doing Piak kepad ordinary nobility. Also very prominent arrogance and superiority of kalangn traders many traders who dominate the trade at the time. So SDI are intended as a bulwark weeks to oppose the dominance and superiority of Chinese merchants as well as break down discrimination noble act arbitrarily against ordinary people. Indeed, in the soul of the founder of this exercise was that SDI further, namely to establish Islam as the only system prevailing in the Earth Indonesia

However, because of the limited ability plus he did the colonial condition very loud and ferocious in overseeing and inhibit any form of movement of Indonesia, then for a while he (Kyai Haji Samanhudi) were oriented on economic issues alone. Thus Meswki still considered as SDI (Miqod = initial departure / Starting point) for this historical journey. Recognizing the limitations of this capability, Kyai Haji Samanhudi always find and contact other prominent Muslim leaders were invited together to manage the institution's struggle. Sometime in May 1912. SDI gained a formidable figure who participated coloring trip this history, namely Haji Omar Said Cokroaminoto after a rapprochement between the two in view of the line of battle line of the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad.

2. The transition period of the SI (Syarikat Islam)

After HOS Cokroaminoto join the SDI, he tried to set up a basic budget organization that can be enacted in Indonesia with no regard to the requirements of a persistent resident Surakarta inhibit the development of the organization. He proposed to establish a pan Islamism, that make up the world (Khalifatullah fil ardi) to realize the idea that he was dividing the stages of struggle following steps:

Indonesian Independence (expel the invaders from the Earth Indonesia)
Islam Indonesia's independence, meaning Islam as the only system that can be applied in Indonesia haq perfectly and abide by the rule (Negara Islam Indonesia).
Independence throughout the world, that form caliphate fil ardi / structure of the government to impose Islamic law as the elaboration of mulkiyah-Tullah / Kingdom of God on earth.
Step up to the idea that on 11 November 1912 SDI Syarikat replaced with the name of Islam (SI) whose orientation is not just about economic matters alone, but have covered the whole Manhijul hayal, (meliputu all aspects of life for Muslims only coloring with shades ).

In the SI congress in Surabaya in 1913, has decided to help the branch branches throughout the country that in the three regions, namely West Java (including Sumatra and surrounding pukau), Central Java (including Borneo) and East Java (includes Sulawesi, Bali, Lombok and Sumbawa).

Then in the following year joined by several other Muslim leaders. This is what many prominent figures active in the early years since the founding of SI

Personality HOS Cokroaminoto show never compromise attitude towards the Dutch Kolonia. He was born in Bakur, Madison East Java, on August 16, 1882 from a family loyal to Islam. He had studied the administration of the Government, as well as a course in the matter of mechanical engineering courses. HOS Cokroaminoto strict attitude towards the Gentiles (in this case the Netherlands), it is proven that when he was on the call by the Dutch government to face, with straight and displays chivalry Bekanda da hadpan people, not like the attitude of the natives in general when facing the Dutch had to sit on the floor should not be sitting in a chair and are forbidden to wear footwear. HOS Cokroaminoto aware of it, that is an insult to the nation's Muslim-majority Indonesia by the Dutch Christian.

Approximately the first five years since the HOS Cokroaminoto act as chairman, he contributed much to the progress of mind Syarikat Islam. In the statutes he drafted, many subsequent life would Syarikat Islam, so in its articles of association were Syarikat Islam as a whole (Kaffah) covers all aspects of life both pe4mahaman Islamic Aqeedah, Economic, Political, Social, Cultural and Governance under the guidance of Qur ' an and Sunnah

To realize the idea of ​​forming the Islamic world. HOS Cokroaminoto prepare Kader militant cadres of student progressive-minded students. Among Sukarno, who is expected to collect and manage the intellectual and scholar in one container and the way in opposing the invaders. Semaun memyadarkan directed to the general public and will kepenyingan struggle for independence as well as engage in against the invaders. While SM Kartosuwiryo assigned to influence scholars and for whom the Kyai together in menyegakkan Al Islam as the only system hidupm in Indonesia. Although ultimately, the first two cadres namely Soekarno and Semaun few years later deviate from the line of Syarikat Islam. Then form a new container that is not based on Islam and not be guided by the Qur'an and Sunnah.

Over the past under the leadership of HOS Cokroaminoto, SI throughout the region reached 435 branches, supported by millions of members. Until finally the glories of SI began to decline in subsequent periods with the presence of these disputes in the internal opinion leaders which resulted in the emergence of the various parties and other organizations that are not in line with Islamic syarekat.

3. Early Divisions Within SI

This disaster started with the presence of two Dutch people named Henricus Josephus Fransiciscus Sneevliet and Adolf Marie Baars pad that came into Indonesia in 1913. At first he worked as chief editor "Hardels Blad" Surabaya for two months. Later became secretary K.D.S. (Chamber of Commerce Semarang) in the same year. Both the communist cadres who had been educated in the land of Russia. Then they set up ISDV (Indische Sociaal Democraticehc Vereneging) in 1914 in Semarang, which is a socialist party later evolved into the Communist Party, especially after the success of the Russian revolution in 1917.

According to the analysis of SI prominent figures, the emergence ISDV that was developed pleh two Dutchmen are meruoakan Dutch government's efforts for stability mengoncangkan SI, as well as divisive of the SI root as the government is concerned about the growing strength of SI's position. Sneevliet successful attempt to influence the leadership after SI in Semarang who was held by Smaun Himidan Darsono ISDV with the entry into the body. Their activities continue to create unrest and pergolongaqn in the SI, especially misleading slander slander against SI leader, then after feeling their strong position, they founded the Communist Party of India (Indian) oada dated May 23, 1920 which is the transformation of the ISDV, they act like it wafted by SI leaders in a party congress in 1921, they issued from the membership of the SI, is due in canangkannya "party discipline" which stated that SI members be permitted to be members of the group / other party.

Sekeluarnya those of SI, they are more eager to socialize fahamnya propaganda efforts, even not just propaganda, they are also focusing Move move that is "Phsyie" (psyche). Incident peris peak is when they proclaimed the PKI, then held pemberontakandi Central Java and West Sumatra pad atahun 1926. The group is better known as "SI" red (Socialist Indonesia).

In the following year he stated in 1927, Sukarno, who is expected to be cadres of militant deviant SI / HOS Cokroaminoto contrary to the ideology of the basis and purpose of the struggle. Sukarno argued not only kebangsawananlah Islamic ideology that can unite the Indonesian nation to unite to face the Dutch colonial move, then he established the Indonesian Nationalist Party (PNI) are based on national secular.

4. The birth of attitude Hijrah SI

Hijrah a political stance that emanated SI for the first time in 1923. As a result of colonial distrust of the government and party leadership beliefs partaibahwa cooperation with the colonial government (unbelievers) will only lead to loss of the afterlife and the resulting slide in the party further from their true purpose.

Hijrah is a divine strategy that has been set to be one of His Apostles pattern struggles in carrying treatise establishing the Deen Deen Deen Haq others. Including the Prophet Muhammad SAW Hijrah pattern is struggle, he said Iman-Jihad-Hijrah.

SI leaders aware that Islam is struggling mentegakkan Worship. Therefore, in pelaksanaannyaharus follow that has been demonstrated by the Prophet Muhammad, whatever the risks must be faced, should not membut own way, in fact it seems the motivation is behind in tetapkannya attitude hijrahsebagai official political line of the SI. Coupled with the encouraging conditions for taking such a firm stance, which at the time it became clear, that the Dutch government and Volkstraadnya (People's Council) not to give victory to the struggle SI, on the contrary they tried brushing with a soft and subdued characters that SI submissive and obedient to their every whim (colonial government), without argument let alone mengahalanginya. Also with menyimpangnya Semaun Cs and Sukarno of Islam by forming the line of the Communist Party of Indonesia and PNI greatly difference against Islam which has become a struggle basic SI, even this is a factor that urges to take a firm stance with the move again. Especially seen from the steps that the parties manifest hostility toward the Dutch government in 1930, which has changed its name to PSII (Party of Islam Syarekat Indonesia).

In 1933 recorded an adjustment of the party, was also the basis of the party struggle which resulted in the year was considered something that was perfect, especially with its leaders figure HOS Cokroaminoto assisted BC. Kartosuwiryo as his personal secretary, tried to color the body is the color of Islam PSII alone, with no other colors can be seen from the Islamic dasra party strategy.

5. Some deviations from the SI Leader Lines Hijra

After Si establish and reinforce political hijrah means no cooperation and no line of obedience to the Dutch government, then the government immediately greeted with harsh measures and firm, they spend the regulations are very strict, so that the space to SI.

It is thus the risk of migration as represented attitudes that have been experienced by Prophet Muhammad His manner was hijrahnya harassment and cruel filled with hostility from the government Quraysh. He with his companions sought, gripped, intimidated, blocked, expelled and even planned to kill. But God has planned or memnyelamatkannya and win over those who disbelieved because the move is stategui meyelamatkan God for his people and his Prophet and won the fight mennegakkan Al-Haq.

Seeing the Dutch government action against SI louder poloitik hijrahnya result of this attitude, then several prominent SI duiantaranya Sukiman and Wali Al-Fatah and several leaders including chairperson Muhamaddiyah KH. Mas Mansyur jointly propose to the leaders of the SI in order to change the political steps hijrah, as in their opinion that such political tactics step is something only and is not something that the principle can not be changed.

They see the move as politically implemented by the SI standard is not stringent and thus a barrier to fight his own party, because it does not allow adjustment to the situation. In addition, these people propose that the SI party limits itself to the field of poloitik only and entrust the social aspects of education and other organizations in order to nationalist movement that was established for the new field. They also called for disciplinary action against the Muhammadiyah has been done by the SI in 1927 was revoked (canceled)

a. The exit Sukiman Cs

In facing these proposals, the HOS Cokroaminoto as the top leadership and the person in charge of PSII has acted firmly enough, he rejected all the proposals on the grounds: first, on the move: the move is not just a tactic, but it is a principle that can not be permuted. Even a legitimate factor determining whether or not acts of worship and jihad Muslim charity before God Lord of Izati. Shifting from the hijrah means shifting also on the purity of Islam.

Leads to mixing of haq and bathil, because migration is an attempt to purify worship tau devotion to God (the realization of tauhidul worship) which lawanya is idolatrous. Second, the restriction on the scope of SI: that SI is a universal Islamic movement whose objective was to uphold Khaifatullah fil ardhi, meaning God's rule on earth. Of course this can not be done in one area / partial but should cover all aspects of life, be it political, economic, social, educational, and also includes aqidah ubudiyyahnya.

Muhammadiyah final disciplinary action that the action is in accordance with applicable laws in the SI after party leaders gave several warnings to Muhammadiyyah to not act alone and should feel bound by the rules pertauran SI. However, it is always overlooked by Muhammadiyah, because there is no other way to uphold the rules of Islam which is based SI (Sukiman and Wali Al-Fatah cs) not accept alsan-reasons and they insist on trying to make his proposal was accepted by party even threatened to set up again. In the "suspension" cs Sukiman removed from PSII action is a lot of criticism from some groups, especially from the Indonesian press and the parties did not agree to a political move.

They called for HOS Cokroaminoto withdraw the action against Sukiman cs. However HOS Cokroaminoto remains shaky with this attitude. This incident occurred in 1933, which then these people with frustration trying to form a union penelis likely that Indonesian Islam has basic mix: National and Islamic culture. Pnelis this exciting collaboration with independent PSII in Yogyakarta (including those not agree with the politics of hijra) to jointly establish Indonesian Islamic party (Parti). But this effort immediately resign the following year. despite the acclaim of many places in Java, it can be concluded that such activities are a beginning than in the December 4, 1938 to the Islamic Party of Indonesia (PII), chaired by Prince Widodo and Sukiman.

b. The exit of Agus Salim

Besides Mr. Sukiman cs there are still groups that do not agree with the move, which in their opinion, this kind of politic which will only lead to trouble and keruwwetan alone. Or in the words they say "like banging your head against a wall alone". The group is led by H. Agus Salim. But at the time when the party leadership was HOS Cokroaminoto, this group had not dared to openly say disapproval of the group / political move. However, they are still reluctant to personal and leadership Karishma Cokroaminoto HOS. Only after Cokroaminoto died in 1934, and the hands of the party leadership Jatu saudarnya, namely Abi Kusno Suryo and vice SM Clark. Kartosuwiryo, others began to dare to speak out against political. emigration. This can be seen in March 1935, H. Agus Salim, who was the chairman of the party's pleading with the lanjnah tanfiziyah to revisit the wisdom of "political move". In connection with the release of the regulations that are stricter than the Dutch colonial government, in that year in the face of political parties that are nonkooperatif.

Furthermore, in April the same year H. Agus Salim trying to completely change the policy and melaksanakna referendum of party branches held facing suggestions that. Even Kusno suspect that Salim personal ambition to sit in Volstraat and indeed the Dutch colonial government had offered it to him. Moreover, the party congress held in 1936 rejected the establishment of Agus Salim and still make the move as a political official of PSII. Given this reality, Agus Salim can not stand it, where to position himself increasingly marginalized. Then he went further by forming a faction within the party unit called the "party of Barisan Penyadar Syarekat Islam Indonesia" (BPPSII) on 18 November 1936 with the intention that their thoughts can be accepted by the party. The movement is chaired by Mr. Moh. Room is planned to move in the SI itself. But it turns out the cause of this movement until kecabang-party branches, considered by Abi Kusno something that could break stabiliotas party.

Therefore, he instructed all members of the SI to end debate emigration problem, because the move had become an official political party which has been supported by kiyas-kiyas syar'i that can not be permuted again. To all ranks in order to continue their activities together and re-observance of all policies outlined by the party and keep trying to "awaken" the people who are considered not to understand the situation and condition.

Facing the Agus Salim, then Abi Kusno joint meeting between the council and the party committees that are fan fidziyah both institutions have the authority to take a decision in the face of problems that occur, then this meeting is to decide the action (suspension). Troubleshooting the leaders including Mr penyadar body. Moh. Room and Sobari in January 1937. The next month was fired anyway H. Agus Salim, AM. Penyadar Sangaji and 24 other figures. Kusno Abi and her friends feel the need to justify such measures in maintaining political move, especially all members of the party. So around April and May 1937. Held meetings of the party branch moved to tighten political correctness and truth of the actions of political leaders menskorsing people "penyadar" who strongly opposed the move.

Not enough to meetings only, explanation of the political move was followed also by publishing a brochure entitled "Attitude Hijrah SII Party" consists of two volumes compiled by SM. Kartosuwiryo then served as vice chairman of the committee fanfidziyah PSII. The first volume in a pamphlet outlining Kartosuwiryo succeeded at length about the notion Ad Deen (religion) regarding an aspect of life on the status and duties of man in this life on earth, it is also about the attitude and the Prophet Muhammad's emigration journey that makes the only guidelines and patterns of struggle by the whole community. After discussion of the meaning of hijrah, SM Kartosuwryo make mangatakan almost at every place where the word "hijra" is used in the Qur'an, this word is associated with jihad. So in that regard he writes, "no action is considered abash move when the ideal goal of jihad is not implemented.

Thus SM Kartosuwiryo the brochure has been trying to express terms of hijra and jihad at length and emphasized for immediate realisaikan in reality


1. Personal Knowing SM. Kartosuwiryo

He was a prominent SI fairly persistent and consistent in maintaining political move, despite having to face the challenges and criticism from berbaga party till - till he should be fired from various positions and membership chairperson PSII by itself is Abi Clark Kusno Suryoso. Because Kartosuwiryo refused to switch sides of the move to parliamentary.

BC. Kartosuwiryo a combination of his own name, his father and grandfather. His real name is Sekarmadji, father and grandfather Karto Maridjan Suwiryo. His father worked for the imperial palace of Solo. A person who understands the history, his job as a maintenance officer historical items including history books are written by people in the past. And indeed there are blood relations of the empire, both the Solo and Demak Sultanate. Not true, if Sekarmadji father said as opium traders, it's just sheer slander deliberately thrown by those non-Muslims to overthrow the dignity of his son who then entrusted with the task of divine. upholding the rule of God on earth Indonesia inil. Instead, Maridjan was a pious Muslim. A father who managed to establish personal life and his son became Muslim true and consistent. And still maketh Islam as the only rule of life, and the only system of life that characterizes all aspects of life.

General Education courses

Sekarmadji born in Cepu, a small area between Blora and Bojonegoro, on February 7, 1905, the status of his father which included nobility (nobility) among Solo palace, causing Sekarmadji can enjoy education in cukuo properly, supported also by the ability of a brilliant brain. At age 6, he Enter manually Inlandsche School der Tweede klasce / school earth grade son for four years. Then move on to primary school grade 1. Starting from Inlandsche School (I-IIS), the son of Dutch schools. Then in 1919 after his parents moved to Bojonegoro, he entered EuropeecheLegere School (ELS) European primary school, for a native son, both are elite schools.

School of Earth Putra Dutch (HIS) is introduced for the children of upper-class indigenous community. requirements for entry into ELS is the most stringent of all. True to its name this school as an educational institution is planned only for European and Eurasian European society. Although limited in number, the Natives were allowed to enter. This final part is primarily children who can be guaranteed by social background, is expected to resume his studies at the European institutions for secondary and higher education levels and both the children were able to continue the special talented recording lesson on one of the agencies educate the sons of the earth, the lawyer / civil servant. SM receipt. Kartosuwiryo at elite schools such as including both categories, that he has the talent (privileges) specifically, after completing ELS he went to Surabaya to continue their studies Nenderlandsch Artsen Indische School (NIAS) or the Dutch East Indies medical school. Starting lessons at NIAS was in 1923 in the age of eighteen (18).

Indeed, the medical school must be taken for at least 6 years. Then it becomes a native, but he failed in the middle of the street, because in 1927 he had to get out of school, due to anti-occupation political activities too open is when he actively led "Jong Islamaiten Bond" an Islamic youth organization. Apparently ruhul ruhul Islam and jihad that has been instilled by his father since early childhood, does not fade by smelling secular subjects had received over the years. Even the trace ruhul jihad in his soul / chest can not be dammed lagi.melihat suffering people who are getting worse, due to the colonial system of cruel and sadistic, which selaui coloring people's lives.

His soul was called to try to do and try to liberate people from the shackles of colonialism is, in order to freely implement Islamic life perfectly. although ultimately his actions, he is sacrificing his career as a medical student at the medical school became the idol at the time. All the more so after he met with Haji Said Clark Oemar Aminoto in Surabaya. One of the most prominent figures PSII and have a high leadership charisma, BC. Kartosuwiryo much to learn and absorb knowledge from the morality of this character. Especially in the field of political monotheism and islamsetelah removed from NIAS 1927. He wanted to stay with HOS heart Cokroaminoto at home. While making teachers and leaders who can guide him in performing his devotion to God and the struggle to enforce Dienullah / Islamic law.

From then on he was appointed secretary of the pack Cokroaminoto and this function continued until 1929. As with aide and private secretary, he provides many Islamic ideas to reinforce Mr. Clark in the Islamic line. Especially in maintaining and realizing PSII political move had been decided by Congress. This is what Mr. Clark mnyebabkan increasingly reliant on self-SM. Kartosuwiryo that he actually Muslim Mujahideen militant cadres, who can be trusted to continue this fight Islam. So in the PSII congress in 1933 he was appointed as secretary general of PSII to the end HOS Cokroaminoto who died in tahun1934, in this period the period of unification with the pack Kartosuwiryo SM Clark, will be more clearly visible direction PSII struggle that increasingly seek to purify the Islamic principles and the color of the mixture other-kind mix of secular nationalist, socialism, and communism. As a result of his Cokroaminoto and PSII abandoned and isolated by figures socialist communist who once together in Syarekat Islam. If the enactment of formal politics as a political move from PSII when viewed from birth, PSII is getting smaller and weaker because of the attitude of this move, but the presence of God is not so. Instead PSII increasingly valued by God Lord of Izzati not the huge quality, quantity, but high quality and efficacy of faith.

Islamic Education

Knowledge about the Islamic BC. Kartosuwiryo different from other Islamic figures who gain knowledge about Islam through of Education schools / madrasas. So he got view of how autodidact (self-study) and often a personal consultation with 'scholars' consistent and pious. Capitalize the spirit of Islam through her parents who instilled since early childhood, he continued to learn and explore Al Islam, through books that existed at that time. Busyness lectures in the field of Physics severe enough, it does not deter from the effort to dig Islam. After the release of NIAS, keempatan Al Islam more widely studied especially after living with a pack Cokroaminoto, starting in 1927-1929. He also inherited a lot of leadership qualities Aminoto Clark, chiefly in ketegasannya held principles of truth (Al-Haq).

In 1929 due to health reasons disanping task of leadership, he was forced to part with Cokroaminoto to move to West Java. Then settle in magelang, a small town near the arrowroot and tasikmalaya. There he studied at the 'ulama' among other local Kyai and Kyai Ardi Joseph Tadjri Wisastro the latter also doubles as a teacher as well as a law, because his daughter was married to Dwi Ummi Kalsum in 1929.

Kyai Wisastra Ardi is a scholar who termashur Malangbong area, as well as leading figures in the area PSII he is also a sufhi, always nerusaha rid itself of impurities of sin, and enhance the dignity of yourself before God by performing good deeds nawafil, in addition to worship fard are limited. This is a very interesting field BC. Kartosuwiryo, to learn more, because in his opinion to be a mujahid (Muslim fighter) is good, should be required purity of soul from diseases riya, 'ujub, envy, shirk and such. How does one force of Islam will fight for others, while he himself has not been consequently Islamic spiritual and physical, let alone to be a leader of Islam should have to have the properties of a lover Warosatul Ambiya Allah (Wali Allah).

With the guidance of the teacher-in-law at the same time, he melakasanakan sufhi practices, concentrating only on dhikr soul to God alone. While relations with worldly decided. With a view model behavior of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH Rosullullah Ahead of the first revelation, he always held kholwat (isolate themselves from worldly life), tabattul (round attention and soul just for Dhikrullah alone), and taqorub (closer to Allah by increasing nawfil worship), so I love him, I would be hearing (guiding his hearing with the guidance and taufiknya), which he heard with him and I become his hands, which he memluk with him, and I became her feet she walked with Him. When he asked for something to me, I will give him, and if he asks pwerlindungan on me, for sure I will protect him (Narrated by Bukhari).

BC. Krtosuwiryo been trying to practice this concept by building artificial Goa, by digging a hole. Therein he berkhalawat and bertafakkur, alienating himself from worldly bustle-bustle, clear spirit of rizail-rizail (sin ma'siat impurities). For several days he bertaqarub to perform the obligatory acts of worship and nawafil.

Allah kept His promise to His loving servant, who has been bernujahadah strong capabilities, running over and nawafil obligatory, toward his blessing. Finally, lower the light hidayahnya God and His taufiq, guiding and leading his hearing, eyesight, feet, many do'anya approval and he often got God's protection at a critical time, the threat of his enemies, the enemies of God and enemies of Islam.


According to the description closest friends are preachers H. Masduki, a young cleric who has since been lafadz Al - Quran completely and preserved to this day, therefore is not only just memorized, but also understand the ma'na implied therein, and be able to pass it on. Because of this ability, then he is in the lift by SM Kartosuwiryo as his personal adviser, so he knows a lot about personal SM Kartosuwiryo. As explained ustadzini "Karto pack is a 'ahbid (religious experts) who khusu' and focused. Prayer-fard prayers always did at the beginning of time and always comes with a prayer rowatib, kalu night is very little time spent on quamul Lail (night prayer) and to develop concepts and programs struggle of Islam, especially after he served as a priest State Islam in Indonesia. High Commander of the Army of Islam, Allah pendeekatan more in tighten again.

He was always diligent wake keluarganyapada two thirds to quamil Lail. At one time he told me about a strange thing happened to him, when the night before the day of his seclusion and forty tabattul, suddenly came a bright light illuminating the nature around him, who was a state dinner dark. In that light he could see the blood in the carotid artery, and the marrow in the bones, he was magic with the event all the more so when he opened the books in Arabic bald, he was able to read and memahamiya. Whereas previously he had never studied science as a tool, Nahwu, shorof, balaghoh, suggestions fiqh, mantiq, and other sabagainya depth. But from then until the end of his life, he has the ability to use these sciences, to read and explore the verses of the Qur'an and tafsir and hadith books, this kind of knowledge called science Laduni, meaning direct knowledge given by servant of God to someone who loved him, without going through the learning process as usual. This is consistent with what is already known. God will give him the knowledge he knew not "Al-Hadith.

Such statements ustadz H. Masduki, in an interview with the author about the efforts of BC. Kartosuwiryo in studying and understanding al-Islam that comes to the Qur'an and Hadith.


BC. Kartosuwiryo is a Zuhud (simple in the life of the world). Not happy to luxury and extravagance. As a graduate of ELS and graduated from medical school, actually Sekarmadji can live quite well in social and economic life, if only this way, he would be a government employee or working in a corporate office, but he apparently prefers the simple life denganbertyani spurious. And devote all his energy and mind to the cause of Islam. Orientation is no longer earthly life but the hereafter. Hany serve as his earthly life marad'atil Hereafter, mean fields where charity and preparing food for toward happiness in the Hereafter, Ajengan said a close friend who had a house with anonymity. Zuhudnya (kesederhnaannya) that's one personality trait Sekarmadji, "Nearly every morning if you go down to the field, I saw Sekarmadji wearing old-fashioned embroidery, teatpi he was not long in the field, when he's friendship to the relatives' house / home to members of the local administrators to PSII discuss the steps of struggle, he always seemed to wear it-that, too, a pair of pants suits and cloth caps are cheap, he walked with bowed heads're always full of flavor and always bersukap takwadhu respectful to everyone in temuinya. So, no one thought, but who knew that he was a (nobles) and educated ".

So it continue statement Ajengan personal tentenag SM Kartosuwiryo "Sekarmadji the trustees, like ease troubles of others, especially the poor - the poor and the orphan, he was very close. This enticing surrounding communities so that they actually believe in the leadership ". Thus Ajengan ended his statement.

Ustadz H. M. Masduki add a description of morality BC. Kartosuwiryo "He was a tawadhu 'and humble, very high tolerance fellow brother, a forgiving patient and able to carry out itsani' alan Nafsi (more concerned about other people, even if he is in need). Once upon a time I was separated from the army due to avoid being petroli TNI, and then I met with Mr. Dodo Imam with his son who both separated from our troops finally walked along to get to the main army. After quite tired of walking down a jungle, we took a break and made a tent to shelter spurious. My backpack containing supplies carried by the troops, so that I at the time did not bring anything except the clothes worn alone. Mr. Imam was once his supply is very thin, just a few spoonfuls of rice alone, the plate was Just one. Suddenly thrust plate pack Karto it to me and said: Please cleric, cleric is right ". Eat "because I feel she who has more right, because he was older and more in need than me. I am younger and stronger to withstand hunger, just for you alone ". But he forced me to pull out a good reason: "Ustadz, this is mine, but the right of preachers, because preachers are my guests, then give me the opportunity to carry out Allah (Surat al-Hashr verse 19)", accept it and eat , this is the right of preachers. Finally I could not resist anymore, then I do not eat it up, and then I leave it to the rest of the rice baliau then he ate and split into two with his son ". So ustadz HM. Masduki tells of penglamannya, then beliaupun resume at bed-time, sir Karto provide only fabric that only covers me for saying "preachers wear this blanket because the air is very cold all night, give me the opportunity to implement the sunnah apostles preachers do not reject , is the right of preachers ". I can not do nothing but accept. But I feel bad because he was older, his condition could not bear to face very cold air. Mountain air and evenings, it appears he is sleeping, my sarong selimutkan to him. Then I became dormant, but when the middle of the night I woke up, had moved sarong wrap my body again, and he slept soundly without a blanket, and then I returned again to wrap his gloves. So many times it's sarong to move, so when I woke up the last time, the cloth is on me and I saw he was praying Tahajjud ". Such information chaplain Masduki about morality. BC. Kartosuwiryo is the main heir to the prophet figure, capable of realizing decent Sunnah and the Islamic Ummah priests Indonesia.

2. Finally KPK, PSII

Apparently Abi Kusno, Aruji Kartawinata, Wonodoamiseno et al, yet mentally prepared to face the risks rather than implementing it migrated attitude. The spirit of the passionate hijrahnya on lately with some vigorous action to any challengers such as suspension imposed on H. Agus Salim, Moh. Room et al from the ranks penyadar, apparently foundered after seeing the reality of how difficult and complicated journey.

Actions and suspicion of the Dutch government to the non-wing political parties such cooperation are increasingly stringent and decreasing quantity PSII members who declined drastically due to the influence of provocation penyadar those ranks, is a driving factors Abu Kusno cs turns out, increasing migration shift politics to the parliamentary line, in 1938. Abi Kusno spearheaded the formation of GAPI (Association of Indonesian Politics). He's trying to pick up traces of the enemy against emigration, including Mr. Sukiman who became chairman of the PII (Indonesian Islamic Party) and H. Agus Salim penyadarnya row, to go join the GAPI, as a federation of Indonesian political parties that aim to parliament truly representative. Abi Kusno action was completely out the knowledge BCE. Kartosuwiryo, who was serving as his deputy (Vice President of PSII). Upon learning this, Mr. Abi Kusno Karto trying rebuke to withdraw his steps that have deviated from the line of emigration truth. But Abi Kusno not respond, he even persuaded to want merobah Kartosuwiryo course, arguing that the move is just one of the tactics of struggle and not principles, that can be changed according to the guidance of the circumstances.

So for this situation, for the sake of the party and the rescue and mempartahankan difficulties and bankruptcies, there needs to be a change of tactics / strategy BC. Kartosuwiryo rejected the invitation, because according to the conviction that, migration is not just a tactic but a principle that can not be permuted in the circumstances anyway. The struggle of Islam without migration was canceled because no migration will occur between the right and bathil mixture in a container of struggle, which resulted in the death of Haq (truth) is. Since it moved to be maintained any risks that must be faced, deviate from the move as well as deviating from Islam, so strong and sturdy stance BC. Kartosuwiryo in maintaining the principle of the struggle, the attitude of emigration, although he had to face the majority of the management elite PSII which will result in threats of dismissal against him from PSII.

In fact, in one or two years past, those who looked familiar and intimate both are in camp, maintaining Poitik moved in detail in the brochure which consists of two volumes entitled "Attitude PSII Hijrah", the Abi Kusno his kawanya provide full support to this effort. Even in the preface signed by Abi Kusno as president and as secretary Aruji Kartawinata PSII. In the second volume, he makes the statement that the views, opinions and ideas about the interpretation of the attitude of PSII move described in this brochure has been discussed at length with the president elected Executive Board and Committee Party Exclusive Party before and after (Brochure) written by the author.

But at the time, he said in 1938, they were involved in a quarrel and disagreement is fierce enough, about the need dirubahnya or not this move, Abi Kusno has used the authority as the president of the party. By the action of removing from PSII, because it has been deemed to rebel against the governments top leadership to merobah bow and pull back, and criticized the distribution of brochures containing thoughts are anachronisms.

Decision issued BC. Kartosuwiryo and some support including Kyai Tadjid Yusuf and Kamran Hidayatullah, who was a leader of the youth section PSII, Exclusive Party Committee taken on January 30, 1939, and then approved by the party congress in January 1940, but they were refused membership revoked the decision. BC. Kartosuwiryo held that PSII is not a private institution Kusno Abi and his group, but the body belongs to God, as a means of struggle in mendhohirkan Mulkiyyah (Structure of the Kingdom of God) on earth, therefore it must be saved from the treacherous rogue leaders who have strayed from the rail Sabillillah , the line determined by Allah SWT. Then on the initiative of BC. Kartosuwiryo establishment of a committee of the challenge. Truth Defense Committee PSII (PSII PKP), because it is meant to hit in PSII, the committee ignored the dismissal resolution when it turns out this is not possible, they were at the rally committee Malangbong on March 24, 1940. It was decided to form an independent party, as a political move rescue effort, which is a trust of Allah, the Prophet and the mandate of the ummah trust that has been decided in the party congresses in the past years.

The new party, which is also commonly called the second PSII. Where BC. Kartosuwiryo appointed as its chairman, is expected to develop into actual PSII to maintain and realize the values ​​and goals that characterizes Islamic PSII has designed by its founder, HOS. Cokroaminoto, primarily intended to realize more concretely political move again, as has been decided by the party congress held in Surabaya on tahun1937. Therefore PSII Kusno Abi Clark Suyoso can no longer be expected to carry out the mandate of this sacred, because they are composed of traitors-traitors who have betrayed the true Islamic struggle. And tarnish the values ​​of Islam which they had originally agreed upon. Thus they are no longer entitled to use the name of Islam Syarekat Indonesia (PSII), as has shifted from Al-Islam, it is more obvious once Abi Kusno style Islamic struggle to move the national pattern, such as engaging in GAPI, which has no Islamic identity again.

Efforts BC. Kartosuwiryo was apparently received more support from the people who are still consistent with Islam, it can be seen with the development of a fairly rapidly, from two branches are at the time of the founding of new KPK PSII, has increased to twenty-two branches in March 1940, may even where there is a branch of PSII said Abi Kusno, there will stand PSII second branch also remains consistent with the politics of emigration.

3. The birth of the Institute Suffah

Intends to follow the example of the Prophet patterns in early development by establishing hijarahnya to Yathrib Isalam communities and educational institutions as well as the cadre, the SM. Kartosuwiryo sought to establish an educational institution and a cadre named "Institute Suffah". The institute is expected to become the main capital in an effort to bring forth "Darul Islam" in the future. This idea actually has long proclaimed since the congress in 1937 in Surabaya. BC. Kartosuwiryo who truly understands the importance of leadership and regeneration agencies are paying attention to this field in the brochure hijrah, was entrusted to establish an institution intended to train cadres of Islamic leaders that "militants" by the party congress at that time. But when the head of PSII turning around to Parliamentary politics, the party no more interest in the plan. But BC. Kartosuwiryo sincerely meneuskan preparations for establishment of the cadre of adjustment, with the pattern of the Prophet Institutions that meant no longer bound to the PSII long. Leaders Abi Kusno cs he felt had betrayed the struggle of Indonesian Islamic community, the institution will be bound and educational institutions supervised by the second PSII, PSII migrate specifically.

After the plan was approved by Congress in March 1940 both PSII. Established "Institute Suffah" which beralokasi in Malangbong, the institute is at least two targets that can be cultivated. First, the form of the Mujahideen, the militant cadres, strong aqidahnya Islam and the science that will be able to move fisabilillah jihad, including jihad in the sense of "physical" to subvert the dominance dzolim authorities, in order to enforce the Islamic Daulah. Second, create an Islamic society, by starting from the introduction and implementation of the Islamic system of life for each individual, the community and surrounding Malangbong into objects for the implementation of this program, which can be expected to be a power base and command center of Islamic Ummah jihad movement in the future. Jihad is a follow-up rather than move, because the attitude of hijrah not considered valid if it is not accompanied by the jihad.

Suffah educational institutions are organized according to Islamic schools system, resulting in a very close relationship between teachers and pupils / students. Teachers here, as well as educators and teachers also serve as examples of role models (Uswatun Hasanah) for the students in menerapka Islamic values ​​in everyday life, as well as leaders and mentors who bring their students towards mardhotillah in the world and the hereafter. Here the students will digamblang for four or six months, so they really become a strong and militant cadres, can be expected to embed and disseminate ideas and ideals of Islam among the community in which they will return.

Most students who come to here is the young men who came from the Parahiyangan, some are from as far away as from Banten, Wonorejo, Cirebon, even from Toli-toli and North Sulawesi. BC. Kartosuwiryo, as leader of this organization, he held a science lesson Tawheed, Aqeedah and to instill confidence in students, diuraikannya sense sentences (Lailaha ilallah), which is the basis and source of all aspects of Islamic society in abundance cursory description can be seen as below :

Meaning: No one except the idzin manifest destiny and God, it is to round aqeedah and belief that every event either occurring or being, whether intentional human or otherwise, either in accordance with the wishes or not, that are used or extraordinary, sweet and bitter, good or bad, it's all over irodat nature and the power of God and the will of Allah SWT.

Here the position including human beings no role at all influential in bringing about something, he just made a copy and mere connection. Initiative and the power of the human mind however the amount will not be able to achieve something without idzin and power of God, endeavor and human sense and only serves as a means of connecting the power and the absolute will of God, therefore man should be aware of the weaknesses and to God the Lord of all kekerdilannya Izzati, all life and the lives dependent absolute power and will of God, humans do not have the power and authority at all except by the will and power of God, this is what Wahdatul entities (1).

Nothing is worthy of worship (in-ibadati), except Allah after believing Mahdatul entities, meaning that everything that entities other than God, it all depends on qudrat and Iradat God, we must believe that all who made the destiny God nothing is worth it, but all this was made to be a means and fields of human devotion to God. A believer must be determined that any fate that happened to him, anywhere, anytime and how it will be used as a means to worship and serve God, because if it is empty of the value of worship to God, he will get stuck into Shirk (dedicated to other than Allah or Maksiat (disobedient to Allah)), it is called Wahdatul Ma'bud / Taukhidul 'worship (2).

No one wanted to be obeyed, and sought to be avoided, unless the commands and prohibitions of Allah. Once convinced that any destiny that comes to us is for the means of worship (devotion to God), then we must be sure that any destiny that comes to us contains commands and prohibitions of Allah were detailed, implementing a living system outlined of God, in every place, any time and any situation. We must try to color our everyday lives with color of Islam alone. Never for one moment did we loose ourselves from the Islamic values ​​that we believe to be the only Dienullah: living systems outlined Allah bring benefit dunua life and the hereafter. This Mahdatul matlub, meaning: unanimity rule and step along the Allah.

No one is (intended), but the pleasure of God when we are in the path of Allah, to implement Islamic system in all aspects of daily life, we must not deviate from the direction and goals haqiqi, the pleasure of Allah. Keep riya ourselves from nature, arrogance, ambition and worldly goals and can eliminate the value of our charity.

So we carry out God's commands and avoid prohibitions, implementing systems of Islam and away from taghout systems, that aim solely sincerely seeking the pleasure of Allah, but not others. This Wahdatul Makshud (one goal only for Allah). Four changes above, is at the core of the doctrine applied in Suffah Institute, in an effort to establish personal Muwahid (all-one-one in faith, one preformance intention (intention of worship), one in the act, which according to the system of God, and one in purpose , which is seeking the pleasure of Allah. said Minallah In other terms (of God) 'alallah (on the path of Allah) and Ilallah (towards Allah)).

Besides the science of monotheism and other sciences d \ such ubudiyyah, Morals Sirath Apostle, Tasawul, also general knowledge and skills taught here, such as Dutch, Arabic, planting, growing and making wicker. Later in the AWL in 1944 during the Japanese occupation, Suffah increasing activity center for military training for parahyangan area, and from there formed military units called "Sabilillah" which later became the core of the Islamic Army of Indonesia in the future.

So a quick look at the basic system of curriculum and educational goals, as well as the cadre Suffah agency, which is very different from other isalam education system, a kind of Islamic schools and madrassas that have no definite direction in the struggle-the struggle to uphold Islam, is also held in this Suffah system that pledges allegiance and the oath of allegiance to the gods witnessed by the leadership, which is a requirement in Islam congregation, so they are bound to hear and obey attitude towards leadership also ukhuwah (brotherhood) among students strongly.


1. Islamic parliamentary faction and MIAI

Outside syarekat path of Islam, there are some established Islamic organizations, although not really justified by the existence of more than one Islamic congregation in time and the same place, but says the reality of history according to the word of God in surah Al-mu'minun verses 52 & 53 which in terms of the Qur'an and the Hadith mentioned outside of the congregation go round "Firqoh" and Firqoh is forbidden in the Islamic ummah. Firqoh because it will cause a great disaster for Muslims altogether. Among them, an Islamic sosisal organization founded on the 18th of november 1912 in Yogyakarta, yaityu named "Muhammadiyah". This organization was established by its founder, the KH Ahmad Dahlan, the suggestions recommended by students and members favor utomo eased the situation, to merelisir social programs and set up a parliament that is parliament. So it is not a political organization Muhammadiyah had the idea to establish the Daulah Islamiyah, As a condition of entry into force of the system as a whole, but he is as a condition of entry into force of the system as a whole, but it is just a social organization engaged in education course, which is one piece of the Islamic system perfectly. HOS Cokroaminoto a solicitation, an organization had entered into PSIIm join, but the merger, apparently did not want to leave clothes muhammadiyahnya.

Having been warned many times, and not taken the leadership of PSII conduct disciplinary action against these organizations, Muhammadiyah issued from PSII in 1927. In the field of furu (branches' ubudiyah) organization bringing schools muhammad ibn abdul wahab streams that are reformist (renewal) according to their ideology, implement requirements without schools without going through the four schools, considered a fool of and damage Syarikat itself, it was natural when they see the Wahhabi movement Muhammadiyah performed as grave danger and slander in Religion.

They moved to organize efforts to stem the influence of the movement, in order to pay attention to understand what they refer to as ideology Ahlusunnah Wal congregation, for this purpose in 1926 erected a social organization called Nahdatul 'Ulama who resurrection of the clergy, by the founder KH Hashim Asari, a cleric who led the boarding school are scattered in every corner. This organization in a short time managed to reach many members of the general public,. which has long been fed with the schools of blind imitation.

With the establishment of Nahdatul Ulama (NU), the Islamic Ummah drowned in fierce conflict between each other, just debating minor issues. While the major issues and principles such as the matter of belief, the Daulah Islamiyah jihad and they forget and they leave, these contradictions eventually rise to hostility. People assume people Muhamadiyah NU as an enemy that has come out of the Sunnah, whereas the NU assume people Muhammadiyah is no other enemies. Given this reality, the leaders of both parties concerned. For that they agreed to hold a meeting attended by the delegates of both parties, from the meeting held in Cirebon, the result of a conspiracy, to immediately form a container / federation to accommodate the aspirations of both sides of the organization, then in 1937 , stand A'la Indonesia Islamic Majlis (MIAI), which are non-political. Emphasized to leave the problems to the point of contention and turned his attention to the big issues, the aqidah and against tyranny.

Leadership (MIAI), but Abi Kusno Suryono Clark who was a chairman of the party and still be consistent with the attitude of hijrah, declined the invitation, he even invited them to join back only because, according to its founding into PSII, PSII who rightfully called Al jama ' ah, and the beginning and the other is firqoh, which is prohibited in Islam. But after the group turns out Abi Kusno of moving to parliamentary, and after he joined the GAPI, solicitation MIAI once rejected are now received with both hands open, with a motive to create Wahdatul Ummah (Islamic Unity). Then in 1939, Abi Kusno cs MIAI officially merged into the sole container political struggle parliamentary wing of the Islamic ummah.

Because consistent with the concept of hijrah, there are no signs that the SM. Kartosuwiryo with PSII both, considering the possibility of entry into the MIAI, because in his opinion no matter how much the unity of the Islamic ummah, if no migration, no value at all in the fight Islam.

2. The period of Japanese occupation and establishment BPUPKI

Dutch East Indies Asia Pacific involved in the war, soon after the Japanese air attack on Pearl Harbour in December 1941. Soon after news of the attack mendengan of Japan's declaration of war against the Americans and the British government of the Netherlands and exile in London declared war on Japan. This explanation is presented to the Japanese foreign minister December 10, 1942. Japanese forces entered the Dutch East Indies at the beginning of next month. Dutch East Indies Army surrendered on March 5, 1942, without being able to deliver against it.

With events (surprisingly), the Indonesian people, especially initially joining the MIAI, hopes that Japan will be incorporating people of Indonesia, took a more active part and play a role in determining the political wisdom and social improve Indonesia. It turns out that hope shattered completely by decree announced Java military commander (ma'lumat no. 3 on March 30), which prohibits any form of structure discussed in Indonesia. This decree placed in crackdown freeze and broke the political organizations of all schools, both secular nationalist, socialist or communist to nationalist Islam includes MIAI, then they know that the Japanese are no better than the Dutch, Dai Nippon army even more devious , more ruthless, more violent, more humanely without any consideration.

But the leaders of the movement in particular Indonesia MIAI character, always trying to beg and urge the Japanese military authorities to be given the right of assembly and association. To participate actively in social learning. Eventually the Japanese were granted their request to return mngizinkan organizations that have disbanded, with strict requirements and oversight sharp, then the bull December 1943 on approval of the authorities, establish Islamic organizations Masyumi (Indonesia Muslim Shura Council) that has to be the embodiment MIAI freeze it.

While BC. Kartosuwiryo and PSII second ever forced to end all activities, as the realization of a military decree, but SM. Kartosuwiryo currently devotes all his attention to managing "Suffah Institute", because of his hijrah to ban observance besides Allah, ignoring the military decree. Aided by its location that is located some distance from the center of politics and governance, allowing the lack of control and supervision of the authorities. BC. Kartosuwiryo suffahnya continue programs without ever stopping, though sometimes for mengelanui supervision, he must change-change strategy and tactics, for example by stealth or by infiltrating the number of students in each class.

When the tide of war turned, where the position of the Japanese pressed by the allies, then to expect the support of the Indonesian nation, to allow them to take a more active role in the affairs of state, and freedom of movement are more liberal. Indonesian people are now allowed to establish their own forces. Increment in 1943 PETA (Defenders of the Homeland). Then in late 1944 formed "Hazbbullah", as the armed forces Masyumi. It is regarded by the SM. Kartosuwiryo as a good opportunity to enhance the activities of the institute suffah, used to be the center of military education. So that students will be suffah really be a Mujahid Militant cadres, karenma he was well aware, that pwrjuangan Islam would not have been successful without the support of force (military), as dinyatakn by Allah in Surah Al-Hadid verse 25, that the iron containing a large force was created to oversee the Islamic struggle.

Demi cadres Suffah is then formed cadres of Islamic militants, namely Sabilillah and Hezbollah, which would become the core of the Islamic Army of Indonesia in the future.

The position of Japan are increasingly desperate in the war against the allies, was not expected to survive much longer occupying Japanese colonies, with consideration rather than fall into the hands of Indonesia's allies, better left to the national leadership of the country itself. Then on the 1st of March 1945 the Japanese commander in chief promising independence to Indonesia sebgai affirmation than a promise delivered by the minister perdan Kino, on 7 September 1945 the Supreme Commander of the Japanese promises of independence in Indonesia as darpada affirmation of commitments that the prime minister conveyed by Kino on 7 September 1944 for this purpose will be established a Committee of Inquiry Periapan Independence (BPUPKI). The composition of the committee organized on April 29, 1945, consisted of 62 people with Dr. Rajiman Wediodingrat as chairman.

3. The role of the Islamic Ummah Masyumi

The committee is comprised of investigators from multiple streams of ideology and religion in Indonesia, both from socialist communist, nationalist secular national juaga Islam, Islamic parties held only 25% in this committee, the composition of the committee of 15 people is put to indicate the ideological factor is therefore Islamic nationalist groups so that at least a majority party can color decisions in later meetings. There sits the famous Islamic figures like Abu Kusno cs, Agus Salim, Sukiman, Mas Mansur Hadi Kusumo Ki Bagus, Salim Abdul Kahar Muzakir, Sanusi Ahmad, Walid Abdul Hashim and other Muslim leaders, side by side with Islamic leaders known as : Sukarno, Mohammad Hatta, Muhammad Yamin, etc..

In the framework of the trial committee, which held two stages, the first from 29 May to 1 June and the second took place from 10 to 16 July 1945 but a sharp disagreement in determining the shape and base money would be born later. One party wants the basis of nationality, and others require basic Islam, while there are others who proposed the basic socialist communists after the vote was held, was only 15 votes out of 60 votes sa basic chose Islam, the rest chose secular nationalist base that essentially has been submitted by Ir. Sukarno in a speech on the first trial 1juni BPUPKI, known as Pancasila later times it is a philosophy that comes from the ideas of Dr. Suto tan penny, through his article entitled "San Min Hui" or "The Tree People's priciples", and combined with ideas Adilf Bears of Socialism, is as recognized by Sukarno himself later to meet the demands of the nationalist Islam so that the basis of nationality Indonesia are followers of Islam. Then formed a small committee consisting of 9 people. Of the session, which was held in mid-June, the organizers managed to break an agreement that came to be called "Jakarta Charter", which was signed on 22 June 1945, there was little the color of Islam mentioned in the charter bul preem jakarta, ie sentences to deity, with obligation runs to the Islamic shariah adherents. Indeed, if we analyze carefully, this is something that is unlikely to be implemented, considering the majority of the committee dominir by secular nationalism whose tastes contrary to Islam.

But the Group of Islamic nationalists satisfied enough with the results, they not longer suspicious of the secular attitude, which every moment is always looking for opportunities to remove the Islamic values ​​of the base, and of the life of the nation Indonesia after independence later.

Independence promised by the Japanese sometime in september that will come, but it turns out when it will come faster than planned, after the Allies dropped atomic bombs on the Japanese government center, Hiroshma and Nagasaki on August 6, 1945, followed by a statement of Hirohito, Japan surrendered unconditionally to the Allies on 14 August 1945. Therefore, before leaving the Indonesian authorities, calling the brand committee members investigator to get ready to accept and declare independence before the allied forces enter Indonesia.

4. Proclamation of the Secular RI

Then 5 days after the Japanese surrender statement he said on August 17, 1945, Sukarno and Hatta on behalf of Indonesia nation proclaimed the independence of Indonesia. The next day, 18 August 1945 Independence of the preparatory committee of the newly formed immediately convene. Preparatory committee was formed with the permission Japan, consisting of 21 people with Sukarno as chairman Hatta as vice chairman, and on the advice of Sukarno, six members plus, the trial committee was intended to discuss in the final on the basis of the state that have been formulated by the committee investigators, which were deemed to be floating, chiefly about charter jakarta regarded by non-Muslim groups as unfair, even those coming from Indonesia, especially Jakarta charter was not removed.

Islamic nationalist minority parties, only four people in this committee, that Kasman lion on the table, teuku Muhammad Hasan, Ki Bagus, Kusumo and secular parties are trying so hard to remove the charter jakarta considered major barrier to achieving their aspirations low. Finally, after being persuaded, seduced, draft on tap, four representatives of the Islam to surrender, to give up the charter jakarta and the abolition of all sentences Islamic style, from the opening and torso constitution. So on that day, at exactly 13:45, they and other members of the preparatory committee, signed the Constitution priembule and torso that have been cleared of Islamic values. Thus was born the Republic of Indonesia as a purely secular state, which rejected the laws of God as a whole, through the last session, which was held on 22 August, the preparatory committee managed to form a government structural largely controlled by the leaders of the secular and socialist communists, who are ready to lead Indonesia Muslim nation into the mud disbelief, polytheism, and misguidance. Beahaluan Masyumi parliamentary struggle proved a total failure, the result is zero, and in accordance with the provisions diabadiakan in the Qur'an, as has been discussed in the preamble, that the struggle of Islam by way of co-operation in the form of a container (parliament) with people non-Muslims (infidels, polytheists, and hypocrites) will cause losses and failures and misguidance God alone.

5. The period of Dutch colonization That Into Twice

After the Japanese surrender, and had to immediately leave Indonesia, the allied forces preparing to take over Indonesia from the Japanese. Allied forces are represented by the British entered Indonesia on 20 September 1945, through the Jakarta and Surabaya, with the intention of immediately repatriating Japanese troops to their own countries. But the people of Indonesia, especially the Islamic people, who had a fever of independence, against the presence of allied forces. On 10 november 1945, Tomo bung with echoes of the sentences "Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar", managed to drive the Islamic ummah in Surabaya against allies, which became widespread after people kidnapped and killed a general partner named Malaby on the previous day. Arek Surabaya-arek was not a counterweight to the army's allies are professional, and they have more freedom in Indonesia. Dutch did not waste the opportunity that has always been waiting for that, they went back into Indonesia with a free ride to the allies, the allies after leaving Indonesia, it is the ambition of colonial, Dutch colonial exert nail in this country for the second time. Dutch accused the country of Indonesia which was proclaimed on August 17, 1945 was not valid, because it is a Japanese-made that has been subject to an ally, the Republic of the young with the army that is still relatively weak, it was not powerless against the Dutch soldiers who have experienced it .

Japanese soldiers did not want to give up persenjataaannya to the republic, but the so-called forced by the people who are disgusted with the occupation, because the Japanese feared that accused the allies turn and help the Republic, but it is against the occupation with the agreement that may be succumbing only in the face of a lot of these guns have, it can only be succumbing only in the face of Dutch pressure, despite resistance from the guerrillas military units, but that does not mean much to undermine the power of the colony. Accordingly. Hence, the republican leadership prefers diplomacy rather than force in dealing with the Dutch, but that's a compromise that brings many disadvantages even disappointment for the future of this republic. Tragic indeed, RI as the loser and weak, while the Dutch as a strong party and win, of course they will be able to dictate his will and carry out any dalamsetiap diplomacy and drawing. In March 1947, Held perundingna between two parties known as the 'Agreement Linggar Teak'. It is very detrimental to the republic, the republic was only given region karen Java and Sumatra alone, while other areas are very wide spread it is expressed as the area of ​​occupation.

Just four months of the agreement took place, the Netherlands has made treason, the first military aggression, in July this year as well. This military aggression republic can not do much, they finally suppressed by the Dutch to sign a new agreement, the "Agreement Rnville", in January 1948. With Renville agreement will be obvious that, apparently head of the republic consists of cowards, have no self-esteem and ignore the responsibility at all. RI leaders menyerhkan heart to a majority of the nation's territory to the invaders Indonesia, for the oppressed and exploited, because the contents of this Renville agreement are:

- The regions of Yogyakarta and sekitarnyayang RI only consists of 7 residency commonly referred to local democracy, "Van Mook".

- Capital of RI should be moved from Jakarta to Yogyakarta.

- All military and guerrilla unity should be withdrawn and their pockets to get to Yogyakarta.

As a result of this manuscript Renville, RI bring the whole apparatus of state administration pemrintahannya and equipment from Jakarta to Yogyakarta, it must attract guerrilla units from different areas to gather in Yogyakarta. This includes overseeing the revision Siliwangi West Java had to leave the area and its people. logically with this action means Siliwangi has betrayed the people of western Java majority Muslim by submitting to the grip of a fierce and cruel invaders. While Siliwangi himself fled to Yogyakarata. Though old enough services and assistance provided by the people of western Java to healing and life Siliwangi.

After the head of the republic and the army units gathered in Yogyakarta, raised anxiety and worry about the possibility of the Netherlands at one time will surround and give them, because the Dutch could no longer be trusted to be and firmly holds promise, as the actions in The first military aggression treaty betrayed Linggar Teak. To deal with this possibility, it is a military strategy that led Soekarno-Hatta, whose members include: General Sudirman, AH Nasution, TB. Simatupang, held deliberations decided to oppose the guerrilla struggle, even for Soekarno-Hatta was prepared place in the Sami Galih, Yogyakarta. The decision for the guerrilla is supported also by a meeting attended by Hamengkubuwono IX. Sudirman and the Soekarno-Hatta Airport in May 1948 which decided that the government would soon leave Yogya and guerrilla warfare, especially the Dutch launched an attack on the center of the Republican government in Yogyakarta.

The estimates finally become a reality, before Shubuh, Munday 19 December 1948, the Dutch special forces occupied airfields Maguwo now called Adi Sucipto and a few hours later, the capital of the republic Yogya occupied Netherlands. Soekarno-Hatta as the head of the republic became sour and frantic deal with that reality, and his determination to fight the guerrillas, as well as the unflinching spirit which had been announced before the military leaders, to be melted swallow a very embarrassing nature of cowardice, Soekarno feel free to military force to able to live a life in the wilderness. So in a hearing held in the grand yogya, Sukarno decided to "give up" only and are choosing the guerrillas. Berkibarlah white flag, replacing dual-color, a sign of unconditional surrender to the Dutch colonization. Soekarno-Hatta was arrested along with chairman KNIP (Central Indonesian National Committee) and several cabinet ministers. Military leaders became disillusioned with the attitude change Soekarno-Hatta, which indirectly has underestimated the military, especially with the statement "give up" the country and its people to surrender to the invaders, as well as destroy the values ​​proclamation 45. In this disappointment, General Sudirman even in sickness, led his troops to leave Yogya and the rugged forests. But not much can be done by guerrilla forces, as it collided with several factors including:

- Betrayal of the Civil, which is not consistent with the attitudes and strategies that have been decided upon.

- General Sudirman pain that is getting worse. So that as commander he was unable to compile an accurate strategy.

- Equipment and military capabilities are still very weak.

If yet now there are obstacles historical general strike March 1

1949, led by Sukarno so they can master the Yogya for 6 hours, this needs to be verified, because before Sukarno becomes president, events and not unheard of in history. Indeed, the power, the history of it can be changed and distorted by the ruling taste.

With the events of 19 December 1948, an honest observer of history will assess and record the "fall of the Republic as a State", both de facto and de yure. De yure due to waving the white flag in surrender, the collapse of his dignity as a country. Then Indonesia experienced vacuum, there is no legitimate government. Three days later, on December 22, 1948, from Bukit Tinggi, West Sumatra, came the announcement of the formation of an emergency government of the Republic of Indonesia (PDRI) led by Syafrudin Prawira State, as president and concurrently minister of defense. Keep in mind, according to its own admission Syafrudin (Tempo interview no 43 yr XV, December 21, 1985), the PDRI is formed on the basis of their own initiative and their comrades. Not on the basis of the mandate of Soekarno either black and white or orally. So Soekarno really give 100% in the Netherlands at that time, regardless of the efforts of the Indonesian people who sacrificed his body for the soul to maintain its independence. It is very disappointing Mr. Syafrudin, disappointment grew as soon as it is known that Sukarno ignored even underestimate PDRI. This is evident after Sukarno mandates the Moh. Room with Van Royen of the Netherlands without the knowledge let alone consent PDRI, but both de facto and de yure, not the president Soekarno lagi.perundinagn Room Royen underway and signed on May 7, 1949, which essentially include the Netherlands immediately withdraw its troops from Yogyakarta because republic was willing to be a puppet state Pasundan kind of state and others. Furthermore, Republican leaders are imprisoned, have been issued because it was ready to become law (an accomplice) the Dutch colonial government, to exploit and menindasrakyat Indonesian nation especially the people of Islam (the majority of Indonesian education).

For technical and administrative arrangements as a puppet state will be discussed at a hearing of the RTC (Round Table Conference), which was held in The Hague aakan in september next. PDRI helpless against this reality, because it is losing influence with Sukarno's cunning and sly, and have the talent orator (speech lure), and handed over its mandate to the Soekarno, after getting out of prison. Thus was the end PDRI, and also graduated RI history as an independent state, as it has turned into a "puppet state" colonial, incorporated into the modern zoo, tied up and locked up.


1. SM attitude. Kartosuwiryo struggle against National

No sign of BC. Kartosuwiryo involved in the national movement towards independence initiated by Japan, hijrahnya ingrained attitude, making no interest at all to join the MIAI, then the Japanese intervention, and eventually turned into Masyumi become a member BPUPKI formed upon approval and initiatives Japan, because according to its founder BPUPKI is one container that serves to confuse Haq and bathil. There seat the leaders of Muslims and non Muslims made up of a group of secular and socialist communist, even the second group is the majority position in the composition of the investigating committee. Of course of the trial will be to produce a mixture of ideology and the Constitution mix, namely basic Islamic and non-Islamic (Ignorance), or it may not exist at all the Islamic color. BC. Kartosuwiryo who see political movement Muslim nationalist-leaning parliamentary revelation kacamat believe that eventually they fail and fall into the trap of the secular shrewd and cunning (the hypocrites). As Allah says in the Qur'an in several letters and verses, which have been discussed in muqodimah and article.

And this belief became a reality, when the August 19, 1945, echoed the proclamation of Indonesia, without any color of Islam at all, because a day later the Jakarta Charter, held as a guardian of Pancasila and the Constitution 45 towards Islam removed by the Preparatory Committee, followed by the formation of structural governance dominated by secular groups. When it makes Masyumi (National Islamic) actually enter the box. Given this reality, BC. Kartosuwiryo moved to approach Masyumi figures, particularly among the younger generation in the hope that they can take Ibrah (lessons) of failure, and then want to take (back) on the "struggle khitah true Islam," which has been translated into assunnah, that the lines of Hijrah and Jihad. Then together Mohammad Natsir and his friends. BC. Kartosuwiryo helped shape the "New Masyumi" in november 1945, in the organization, which eventually became paratai political and general secretary positions, while the presidency is held by Muhammad Natsir.

New Masyumi is inserted to replace the old Masyumi formed in the Japan, and is expected to be the only container politics and the struggle for all the groups of Islam, suppose this is one for creating Wahdatul Ummah (Muslim Unity). In order to face the forces of secular groups, so it would seem obvious that Masyumi runs above the struggle of Islam. While they have been involved in the struggle as opposed nationality (Ashobiyah) which are not justified by Islam. Though these Islamic leaders will stand alone without depending on a secular institution. Then simply have a great potential than the potential of the secularists, it has a big masayang support, because the majority of Indonesian people are Muslims. Besides, they also have a fairly large military force, that Hezbollah and Sabilillah.

It seems that the means BC. Kartosuwiryo who embrace people Masyumi to collect all the power of the Muslims, for the sake of mentegakkan Daulah Islamiyah. President Sukarno, see this new Masjumi as a dangerous threat to the power of the Republic. So embrace Masyumi Sukarno attempted to sit in the cabinet seats. Of course, the chairs were not too plays a role, including BC. Kartosuwiryo also via PM. Amir Syafrudin been offered the vice minister of defense, but the offer was rejected by a letter submitted to the Soekarno, the attitude of the Pilgrimage is also the underlying rejection. but Masyumi figures such as: Syarifudin Prawira State, Moh. Room and others accepted the offer and they sit in the cabinet of the republic. BC. Kartosuwiryo feel disappointed with the attitudes Masyumi figures and still want to tie themselves to a secular institution that turns blood nasionilnya larger than the Islamic blood, so it can not be withdrawn kegaris true Islam. BC eventually. Kartosuwiryo Masyumi decision to stay away from and back to Malangbong by not holding public office secretary and commissioner Masyumi West Java, and turned his attention to recast Islamic guerrillas in this area.

In 1947 he founded the Muslim Defence Council (DPUI) in Garut, and the Muslim Council (MUI) in Tasikmalaya. On behalf Masyumi, the two organizations are planned to deepen and coordinate perjuanagn Islam (Muslims) the local Islamic community against the Netherlands, suggested the guerrilla organization is necessary, given the situation in 3 weeks after they held a large military action, the so-called "police action first ". Dutch occupation of the main cities in Prianagn like Garut, Tasikmalaya and Ciamis. With both organizations, BC. Kartosuwiryo struggle trying to purify Islam, to withdraw all units consisting of Sabilillah, Hezbollah and the Muslim Youth Movement of Indonesia (GPII) that have joined the organization called the National Defense Struggle (VAT) is a federation of all political parties and guerrilla organizations operates in Priangan. Besides oraganisasi Islam, which entered into federation of other organizations, such as: PKI, PNI, Parkindo, SOBSI, BTI. With BC businesses. Kartosuwiryo this, the Islamic forces were in separate camps, separate and non-Islamic forces (Secular and Communist), Appeared with clear where Sabilillah (God's Way) and which also Sabili thought (the Satan).

2. The establishment of TII and the Islamic Council (MI)

Due Renville agreement signed in January 1948, the republican forces pulled out of the pockets of insurgency, to gather in Yogyakarta. Including the master division Siliwangi West Java was drawn to Yogya. Then West Java became vacant no master and protect the people. The Netherlands is ready to take over for occupation nail stick back. Facing a critical moment in western Java. BC. Kartosuwiryo who leads Hezbollah and Sabillillah, including Qital Oni who was a commander sabillillah, mountainous areas around ttasikmlaya, to answer (discuss), seriousness of the political situation (no need to gather in Yogya), in order to maintain and meluindungi people are predominantly Muslim West Java , from the clutches of the Netherlands. They also agreed to have a meeting a broader and more complete, in order to set the strategy and tactics in the face of ever-changing circumstances.

The meeting was finally held on February 11 in the village 10dan pang wedasan district. Cisayong in the area of ​​the triangle: Malangbong, arrowroot, Tasikmalaya. Attending the leaders of Islamic organizations, Islamic Youth Movement of Indonesia (GPII), as well as the leaders of Hezbollah and Sabillillah.

Important decisions taken at the conference Cisayong, among others:

- Changing the party ideology in the form of concrete into forms kenegaraaan.

- Freeze Masyumi West Java.

- Establish an Islamic Assembly (MI) as the basis of government Muslims in West Java, then all Islamic organizations should join it.

- Establish an Islamic army Indonesia (TII), which is a fusion of Hezbollah and Sabilillah.

To lead this TII, was appointed R. Oni Qital full name Raden Spiritual Qital as the first Commander, with the task of planning a concrete structure for the newly established Islamic army. First TII totaling approximately 4000 (four thousand) people were formed into four batalyion, namely:

- Bataliyon I led by Archer M. Hasan

- Bataliyon II led by Zaenal Abidin

- Bataliyon III led by Nur Lubis

- Bataliyon IV led by Adah JaelaniTita Praja.

While the commander, the regiment held by Oni Qital Alone, Bataliyon Nur lubis served in the subdistricts. Cikoneng and ci haur beuti, as the first capital of the region for the NII. In addition to the actual Islamic army, also formed a special corps corps-like, PADI (Heroes of Islam) and the ROW (Barisan Rakyat Islam). To determine the state of the enemy, both strength and kelemahannnya, established secret police forces (Intelligence) called Mahdiyyin which means guided correctly, all the special forces is directly led by the Oni, who was appointed as Commander of jaisy (Chief of Army).

At the end of the conference in Cisayong, also discussed the importance of appointing a priest, which is the main requirement to implement Islamic Shari'a. There are two systems used in this election, namely: Deliberation and Istikhoroh (asking guidance from Allah), with Prayer two cycles, the participants ultimately no less a thousand ulama (Islamic leaders) agreed to vote with the priest. After going through pertmbangan-careful consideration, agreed musywarah choose BC. Kartosuwiryo as a priest. Before the istikhoroh taken two steps. The first stage, who begged the man, apparently shurah (picture) which Allah, as recognized preachers H. Masduki, one participant conferences are gamabaran BC. Kartosuwiryo. And Stage Two, Please guide whether he was among those who sincerely). The answer is the sentence: Mukhlisun (including classes of people - those who are sincere), and there is no doubt, all the scholars present, consensus to elect and appoint SM. Kartosuwiryo as Imam for the Muslims in West Java, and ultimately for the whole of Indonesia. Thus, it is clear that his appearance as a priest, not because of personal ambition as alleged secular people (pagans, hypocrites). Due to reject anyway possible, he would prefer to reject, then pick someone else, but in Islam there is no dictionary reject task (message) in order to enforce the law of God, but to answer: "I hear and I obey," as represented contained in Al- Qur'an Surat an-Nuur verse 51.

Then BC. Kartosuwiryo as a priest, working to improve the structure and administration of the institution MI, in preparation for the birth of the Islamic State of Indonesia. At one held in the Conference for ci Jiho, lamcang sand village, sub ci haur beti, Ciamis, 1 May 1948, the draft constitution has been prepared called "Qonun Rights", and formed the Imamate Council (Council cabinet) and the Fatwa Council (Advisory Council) . In the Qonun rights and stressed among others that the Islamic State of Indonesia is a country shaped Jumhuriyah (Islamic Republic), led by a priest, which is the highest law of the Qur'an and Al-Hadith Sokheh.

Composition of the Board of the Imamate of the first, which was formed at the time was as follows:

1. Imam Accredited Business Authority

(Chairman of the Council of Foreign Affairs): SM. Kartosuwiryo

2. Defense Chief: R. Oni Qital

3. Deputy Chief of Defense: Kamran Hidayatullah

4. Chief Financial: Sanusi Partawijaya / Khadimuddin

5. Chairman Majeli Affairs: Sanusi Partawijaya

6. Chairman of Information: Tata Arsyad

Composition of the Board of the Imamate is more refined at the next conference. Especially after the Islamic State of Indonesia will be more complete and perfect. Steps SM. Kartosuwiryo would contradict Masyumi figures who have committed themselves to the secular Republic, and automatic switchover renvile bound by requiring them to move to Yogya. Starting that sat BC. Katosuwiryo split from Masyumi.

3. Dutch action against TII

After leaving the army Siliwangi West Java, the Dutch promptly prepare to enter the corners throughout West Java to dig its claws into occupation again. But the pace is still stalled after learning the guerrilla units that do not comply with the agreement that renvile then coordinate themselves into Islamic Army of Indonesia. Army contacted General Sudirman in Yogya, as the person responsible for renvile agreement immediately ordered guerrilla units that still exist in West Java to vacate the area. Sudirman Sutoko sent messengers to instruct / coax BC. Kartosuwiryo with TII her to leave West Java, but SM. Kartosuwiryo who are not bound to the republic especially with renvile, refuse the order. He emphatically replied "Whatever happens we will risk while maintaining West Java, and the majority of the people melundungi Muslims better off berhalang ground as Shuhada than having to submit to the invaders and handed the Islamic ummah West Java into their grip".

BC warrior nature is so high. Kartosuwiryo in an effort to protect the Ummah, unlike the republican leaders are cowardly and sly. Republican leader is only concerned with her safety, regardless of the fate of the people who will soon return oppressed and colonized by the Dutch.

After knowing attempt to persuade SM Sudirman. TII Kartosuwiryo and his failed, the Dutch soon his troops to attack the position of TII, on 17 February just six days TII establishment located in the Mount Cepu, covering two districts namely Cikoneng and Tjihaur Beuti. Netherlands entered from the east Cikoneng, namely Ciamis town. Islamic army that can already be coordinated and made the defense in that area, only one battalion led by Nur Lubis with fixtures 17 firearms only. Mr. Oni who happened to be there, directly holding the tactical commander, then berhadapanlah two troops and two very different ideological forces and purposes, the first Islamic army that stands on the foundation of creed, in order to maintain and enforce Dienullah, with the blessings of Allah alone . they expect happiness ukhrowi is Jannah, and they love martyrdom, because without dying in a jihad can not be met Jannah.

With this they have the power of a great soul and a strong mental whit their weapons, and the size of the enemy weaponry, does not affect their lives, their faith even more stable, and the greater kepasrahannya to God, they are just waiting for one of the two goodness, killed a immediate heaven or martyr-life triumph and glory. While opponents are infidels troops standing on philosophy (ideology) are fragile. The motivation is lust filled with error and falsehood. Orientation is duniaw, because they love the world, and definitely scared to death. Its power without the support of mental strength does not mean much.

Battle was no longer inevitable because there is no compromise and diplomacy again for the army of Islam. Netherlands began its attack with commotion and blindly and use other heavy weapons, the army of Islam is not to be wry and discouraged, with full alertness and tranquility, they schemed to realize the relatively very few weapons and bullets are very limited, they tried to use it as efficiently as maybe, they will not shoot if it is not really appropriate target. Mastery field until very profitable kedetail their particulars. God is True and keep his promise to provide relief to the soldiers who appeared on earth (TII) and shows the way (strategy) in the face of his enemies. according to the word of God in the letter An Anfal verse 9 with remarkable courage of the troops had mastered TII strategic position that is the weakness of the enemy (the Netherlands), and then they launched the shots were right on target vital. Dutch troops surprised they panic under fire from the direction that they are not unexpected, they like to see a new force in the Islamic army, numbering as if it is greater than their numbers.

According to the vision of their eyes is probably the digambarka Allah in the Qur'an 3/33, the Dutch position became shattered, they fell mental, soul dicekan fear death, horrified to see his friends begin to fall, there is no other way except to resign. Pertempuranpun stop diving course of one full day, complete victory was in the hands of the Army of Islam, was a successful Dutch soldiers killed dozens and seized as many as 53 guns and now amounts to 70 Islamic army shoots. Thank God their thanks that the presence of Allah's good pleasure to give help and gifts to them.

Imam SM. Kartosuwiryo at that time not in front (Cepu Mountain area), he was busy continuing consultations with other MI figures in developing and refining the structure of government, followed by the Islamic council conference Cijoho and Ciperendeuy, he has given a full mandate to Mr. Oni as commander at the time, to set the tactics and strategy in dealing with the consideration of the Dutch attack, possibly the Netherlands will carry out a major attack to avenge the defeat. So Mr. Oni who also serves as commander of the regiment arrange power still out front, with a battalion of Mr. Danu takes the brand in two plus one grenade and Zainal Abidin forces based in the region Garut, Cepu mountain region, which includes the districts Cikoneng and Cihaurbeuti is an area of ​​de facto Islamic Council. Sub Cikoneng with a population totaling 53 thousand, led by Ustadz Masduki acting as a sub-district and district Defense Commander Cihaurbeuti with a population of 43 thousand led by R. Basuki, 2 district is then used as the main defensive front is supported by 4 battalions of armed TII 3 pieces brand and about 170 regular guns, for several months the Dutch did not enter this area, they even put up a sign announcing that this area is a "dangerous area" .

Around June 1, 1938 then the Dutch could exert massive forces to retaliation after holding a proper preparation for 3 months, with no less than 14 deployed troops battalion reinforced with tanks and supported by the air force. Balanda intends to encircle and destroy the mountain area as a base defense Cepu TII. General Spoor, who served as military governor at the same time doubles the highest helm of the colonial government in Indonesia, led the troops directly. Dutch as a national force (infidel) hated the Islamic movements, so they wanted to completely destroy the shortest possible time. They plan to enter / siege defense Mountain Cepu area from all directions and then bombarded with cannon and canon. it turns out that their business can not be undone as quickly as possible because the defense of Islam was fortified by Citanduy river wide enough and the inside of the south, while the north there are hills that have been on guard soldiers of Islam. It has been arranged in such a way by Mr. Oni strategist. so it is quite difficult to break down the Dutch defense area.

Dutch troops chosen to guard the forest with troops backed by tanks, trying to break through with a bridge crossing Citanduy (Cirahong) whose length is 150m, while there across the Islamic army with 3 brand ready to shoot the enemies who try to cross the bridge. After the Dutch army commanded kejembatan but started to go up in their midst began mowed with the brand. and mayatpun sprawled into the creek. Come again another army after being forced commanders to step up and they were subjected to Islamic army bullets from the other side. Dutch troops continued meju with wavy after no less than 2000 of their soldiers were killed and Islamic army ammunition supplies were dwindling and eventually bobolah TII defense of the South, led by H. Zaenal Abidin, and the Netherlands went in, the army backed Islamic defense area, leaving seven villages, namely Sindang tasik east, Nasal, Panaragan, Cimahi, Darma Caang, Cegempalan and Cikoneng village, which was then occupied by the Dutch from where they pounded positions with TII canon and cannon fire with the never-ending air force fighter planes to help attack the fire from above, the position of TII widened besieged from all directions and getting squeezed.

Then Ustadz Masduki local defense commander Cikoneng this incident ended saban (introspection entered into) why the defense of Islam can be broken down when the enemy no Sunnah of the Messenger of Khandaq war time no enemy could enter the army defense stricken prophet, except for the dead. Upon inspection it turns out there syar'ie (Hududullah) conducted by several members of TII. There is a spy then carefully terbongkarlah activities as a Dutch spy. To seek and obtain information / data is important about the power of TII. The death penalty is the most appropriate for the traitor was so angry and fury, some members of TII subordinates AZ Abidin action that goes beyond shredding the pubic who have shot it. This is presumably the cause of the coming catastrophe, as a warning from God, with a breakdown of the defense battalions Zainal Abidin. TII Chairman ordered that all repent and seek forgiveness to God for his deeds isrof (redundant) they have done.

Then the leaders held meetings to plan the next steps in the face of a precarious situation. Pak Masduki doubles as one of the commanders of regional leaders after a mandate from rerimen commander for maneuver, apply a very precise idea of ​​all, he said in front of the battalion commanders' current view is really stuck, besieged from all directions, from the north ranging from Ciamis-kawali up Panjalu meeting with the enemy, nor to the west Panambangan been overrun, the highway south to Banjar is full with steel tanks. Lucky we have a natural defense that Citanduy but our power is limited because we will not be able to maintain this area. Moreover, a special brigade enemy heavy equipment had reached the northern base behind us. To cope with this very precarious situation I have been given a mandate by the commander to find a way out, so I decided that all members of TII trying to get out of the area of ​​the blockade, then make a more open front with guerrilla system, we are not front (running away war) but we do carry a letter scheming An Anfal verse 16. So exit this area has become a decision we stayed bermunajat to God, kalu is the way God is justified surely Allah will give way and the way out, because if we look dhohirnya hard to get out, because the fence had to penetrate tank armor and weapons. " (Q.S. 29/69). Thus Mr. Masduki has decided unexpected TII served a diTasikmalaya who served as Regimental Stoot named Syaifullah, he has the task of Regents MI Tasikmalaya, HA Sobari to enlist the help of a squad of troops to deal with the ferocity only CV-CV Netherlands (indigenous people pandering to the Netherlands). the selaulmemeras and oppress the people. This is apparently the way that Allah solve the difficulty. It was decided not just a team that will be sent, but all the troops consisting of three battalions will be removed from this area, and placed and placed King Busway area, Tasikmalaya. Strategy was set to release the troops and their families as well as those gunshot wounds.

Then offered to commanders, who are willing to disguise and deceive the enemy, the risk would be shot if caught enemy. Syaifullah appearing enable himself, then he changed clothes to disguise himself as a commoner. task was to come kemarkas Netherlands. asked permission to bring out people affected by canon and cannon shot wounds and reported that the army of Islam (Sabilillah) had fled the spot. Strategy was apparently successful Syaifullah allowed out with people who are sick of this group survived to the place of destination. Simultaneously TII troops were moving out through Cijoho and Tjihaur. right at 12 Dutch soldiers who are heading west, north and saw a convoy of the army of Islam, they were shocked and panicked and then fled leaving his post without inertia, thus the Islamic army to cross the Dutch army outposts that have safe and unimpeded and they had to place the goals of regional Tajamaya, King doings, Tasikmalaya at 3 am, this event took place on 20 June, during the day the Dutch began a vigorous attacks by one, using a regular automatic rifles to heavy artillery weapons. From above and take it, all spewing bullets at one target, which is the headquarters of TII, which are not yet know that the place was empty, the traces of time TII bust out was removed by local people during the night as well. So that did not see traces of that TII was out. The attack was stopped after seeing no reaction from the opponent, and it turns out the place was empty. While TII already reached their destination and then quickly spread. look at strategic places and launch guerrilla attacks by the Dutch suddenly gets a surprise attack from behind it to fall mentally, they are scrambling and fled meda. Altogether the Netherlands suffered a major defeat, with the loss of thousands of their soldiers needlessly. They saw a major force not seen before, Spoor as governor-general who led the army military giant, does not hold menaggung shame and disgrace for his mistake, and immediately took the decision shortcut "suicide".

Mount Cepu event is very important to fight the army of Islam, an event filled with karomah, and the beginning of the victory of Islamic forces. So to honor these events, the Imam gave the title (GT) (Mount Tjupu) for the troops involved in the war, according to the Sunnah, which the Prophet had given the title of "Ahlil Badri" as a tribute to the troops who took part in badar war.

Islamic Army can now formulate strategies and tactics are much more stable again. They ruled the Ummah more and even greater sympathy and support for the struggle of TII. Now they do not use anymore concentration and frontal systems, but uses a system of guerrilla evening, the Dutch destroyed vital targets, without being given the opportunity to provide significant perlawananan, the Dutch finally forced to leave areas of West Java. They just controlled the major cities just like Bandung and Jakarta. with a pretty tough defense.

see the victories achieved by TII against the Dutch army General Sudirman who had ordered SM. Kartosuwiryo and TII his left West Java now he sympathized with and supported the measures taken by the TII in the retention of West Java, even as he secretly sending weapons of Yogya. Sudirman's action was wafted by the Dutch and then it is on to make an excuse by the Dutch military attack to Yogya with the second on 19 December 1948.

4. Early War Triangle

After the Dutch had to withdraw from areas in West Java, TII rapidly expanding held eastern territory merry meeting areas largely controlled by TII with power sharing as follows:

- Bataliyon Ciamis III ruled the South and North.

- Bataliyon II entry and master Garut, while

- Bataliyon IV ruled the Tasikmalaya.

Three district is used as the main base of MI and TII, and eventually became the basis of the Islamic State of Indonesia, after august later.

To menetapkna administration, the structure formed in West Java-Sar area that has been controlled by MI.

- The area of ​​the (DI): That is the areas that have been dominated by the MI and TIIde facto nor de yure pmerintahannya, its people, and the law is Islamic, Ciamis meliputu south, west and north, east and Ciamis Garut north east and beyond.

- The area of ​​two (D.ii): The area is only de yure owned MI, most people support the MI, was the de facto controlled by the Dutch, here adan two governments, the Netherlands and MI in the shadows. It's like the cities and surrounding counties such as Cirebon, brass, indaramayu, and surrounding areas.

- Region three (D.III): The area controlled by the enemy (the Netherlands), there is only the city influences the community there, which is the provincial capital of Bandung, Jakarta and border areas of West Java, Central Java, Cilacap and Bradford.

Thus the position of the Islamic Council and TII were more stable control of most areas of West Java.

Journey through far enough. What is called the "Long March", Siliwangi troops finally arrived keperbatasan West Java, obviously shows that our trip, Long March Sliwangi, not perajalanan "The Hero of the Nation", because there is no value at all heroic. More appropriate to say "ride the Coward", which has been betrayed and sacrificed their people on the enemy and their own entrance into the trap he had made by the enemy, then attacked all-out without dapata oppose it, especially its leaders already menyerah.Dalam state Siliwangi is defeated, walk away, come back to the people who have dikhianatinya in West Java. While there has been straight with unsound "The Pahlawaan True" which has managed to protect his people from the clutches of colonialism and simultaneously repel invaders from West Java. They are the Islamic Council and the Islamic Army of Indonesia. They stretched the Islamic system of government in a fair and wise, so people feel at ease and at peace.

The arrival of the troops in West Java Siliwangi dismbut with a sense perasaudaraan by MI and TII, given that, Siliwangi that many elements from Hezbollah and Sabilillah, the great hope of MI, so Siliwangi be merged into TII. For that leadership MI and TII deliver bebarapa Alternatives to the Siliwangi to determine attitudes, including:

Please enter a district about areas of de facto MI and together with the Dutch against TII status that reflects the resistance of the people (the Muslims), the government of Indonesia has temporarily surrendered to the Dutch, and had no price at all international fora.
2. If you object, please go to areas that have not been de facto Islamic assemblies, and together without any animosity against the Dutch with TII.

Or place the weapon, and then became the common people under the protection of TII.
Faced with this alternative Siliwangi troops split into three parts, according to the ideological background of each, which originated from Hezbollah and still have ruhul Islam, they chose the first point, joining TII, as kadir salihat and his troops. There is also a pick point to two, (do not want to join the TII), and this is the most, those who are secular nationalist ideology (PNI, Pesindo) among the troops under the command of M. Rifai, Aag Kunaefi, Nasukhi, Amir Mahmud, Sueb and Umar Wirahadi Kusuma, another third point, which is laid down their arms and become a commoner.

So look at all the greatness of the leadership of the Islamic spirit, wisdom and tolerance, there is no intention at all to assume hostile or enemy against Siliwangi troops, and even consider it as a comrade-in-arms in the face of the invaders. But apparently secular and nationalist forces Siliwangi (infidel) did not appreciate the kindness leadership TII, they entered into the de facto Islamic assemblies, then squeeze and depriving the rights of the people with full of pride and arrogance, and they began to dare to reveal the attitudes of hostility the TII. The highlight of hostility and treachery that occurred on Tuesday, January 25, 1949 in the village of Antralina excl. Ciawi, North-western regions tasikmalaya, they attacked from the rear of the headquarters of TII, so dozens of members TII fall due to their treachery. TII troops finally entered the fight against them, to avenge their betrayal. A pretty fierce battle ensued between the two parties on the same day.

After seeing the great betrayal of the troops Siliwangi can no longer be tolerated, then the MS. Kartosuwiryo as priests and as Commander in Chief of TII Removing maklumatnya, code "No military edict. 1 "dated 25 January 1949 as follows: After considering and weighing a few things, then decided that the division Siliwangi (TNI) soldiers sebgaia later called Liar (TL), considered as a barrier Indonesian Islamic revolution, which must be faced with military action. For that commanded all the forces of the Islamic State of Indonesia to take action:

Disarming wild army,
Kesatua right to seize property (of the gang that group), which is necessary to the interests of the Islamic State of Indonesia.
The Islamic Army was deployed to implement these ma'lumat, disarm and seize weapons and all fixtures Siliwangi forces. It turns out that in the circumstances Siliwangi troops groggy powerless against military action TII, in just a few weeks was able to force Siliwangi subdued. Some were arrested and imprisoned, and others who had taken refuge there and joined the Dolls homemade Dutch State government, the State Pasundan.

Events of January 25 and then dik familiar with the "events be antralina" it is considered as the beginning of the war in terms of three, TII against the Netherlands (country Pasundan), TII against siliangi (TNI), while the military was still hostile to Blanda.Belanda after defeat and see the power of Islam, intends to resign from the battlefield, so no long involved dealing with the army of Islam, but simply by using the point-pointnya (puppet states), including the RI who had surrendered were being prepared to be a point up to face kekuata Islam, through negotiations Room-Royen.

5. Moments before the proclamation of the Islamic State of Indonesia

Since the first time merjunkan themselves into the arena of political struggle from his PSII to the life of the agreement Japan and the Netherlands for the second time BC. Kartosuwiryo has underpinned the struggle with Islam, to turn in one direction, namely the struggle of the birth of an independent Islamic State of Indonesia, which can ensure the entire Islamic Ummah in performing his devotion to Allah Lord of Izzati with pure anpa in interfering with kemusrikan. It never occurred to him to engage in the national struggle, which aims to establish a state based on nationalism and with patience he always memperingari and invite them to play the bow adjusting step Prophet struggle with, this can be proven by looking at his actions, either before and after the proclamation of the Republic of Indonesia.

Indeed, once he heard the announcement of the Japanese surrender to the Allies, on 14 August 1945, and the lack of preparation of the nationalist Muslim leaders to secede, then on that date he also proclaimed independence, then on that date he also proclaimed Islamic State of Indonesia. Islamic Ummah apparently not ready to accept the concept of the Islamic State of Indonesia, their attention centered on nationalist figures who joined the BPUPKI. After three days later, on the date August 17, 1945, Soekarno-Hatta proclaimed Indonesian independence, the SM. Kartosuwiryo withdraw its proclamation, to respect the people's revolution, mostly Muslims, were sacrificed by Muslim leaders as well. But he became disillusioned after learning that the new nation was born Purely Secular State, without any color of the Islam at all, especially after seeing the structure of government in dominisir by secular people as well.

He then sought to explore Islamic leaders who have failed to raise the potential of the Islamic ummah in order to determine langkar-Islamic struggle next step. His invitation was well received, especially by younger luminaries like Moh. Natsir, Moh. Room, A. Wahab Hashim and others, eventually forming new Masyumi, but these figures Sukarno received an offer to sit in the cabinet, and loyalty tie Masyumi the Secular Republic. BC. Kartosuwiryo Masyumi immediately withdraw and return to Malangbong to manage "Sabilillah and Hezbollah" As with the core strength to guard the Islamic struggle, but he did not cut ties with prominent tkoh ukhuwah Masyumi have joined it GoI. Always he noticed those steps that bring millions of mankind by giving a reprimand and a warning when it appears there is too much deviation by selling the ummah to the colonizers, such as occurs when diselenggarakannnya Linggar agreement teak March 1947, which led to the first Dutch military aggression, which resulted great suffering to mankind, he sends statmen (the warning), but not authorized by the head of the republic.

Similarly, when the republic held renvile resulting manuscript submission should most areas and people of Indonesia into the hands of the invaders. He gave a stern warning and threatening, but there is no warning of them. they have the heart are caused many people to leave the area, to immediately handed over to the Netherlands and they are now only seven prefectural master alone, according to the line of demarcation Van Mook, namely: Yogya, Solo, Magelang, Kediri, Madiun, Bojonegoro and Malang. Republican right in a critical condition, both military mapun politics, and economics are really on the verge of collapse. That's when BC. Kartosuwiryo prepare to join forces and Hezbollah sabilillah in West Java, to divert movements ummah to bercorakkan Islamic revolution. After the Dutch launched an offensive to Yogya as the capital of the Republic, with military aggression II, December 19, 1948, which resulted in the fall of the republic to the Dutch. Then BC. Kartosuwiryo issued edict no. 5, dated December 20, 1948. Its contents are general command to all layers of Indonesia Islamic Ummah for Jihad melakuka Fisabilillah absolute holy war, expel the Dutch and establish Daulah Islamiyah.

Because look at the vacuum, there is no legitimate government accountable, then on December 21, 1948, SM. Kartosuwiryo intends to immediately proclaimed Islamic State of Indonesia. But the intent is withdrawn again after the next day December 22, 1948, Mr. Syafrudin Prawiranegara proclaimed PDRI (Daryrat Government of the Republic of Indonesia), in Bukit Tinggi, West Sumatra with a consideration that Mr. Syafrudin is a good Muslim and a figure Masyumi aspires establish an Islamic state, BC. Kartosuwiryo hope that Mr. Syafrudin change PDRI become a Muslim country, and TII also was supported. But that hope was to be grounded at all when Moh. Room, one of the prominent figures Masyumi and PDRI although at the time it was not brought out of PDRI, but a mandate from Sukarno had held talks with the Dutch, known as Room and Royen, was signed on 7 May 1949.

BC. Kartosuwiryo condemned the treaty through statmennya which was circulated to various stakeholders, such as he said, "With the statmen Room Royen is the Moh. Room has completed its task. " Masyumi vice, vice Ummah ... it is very embarrassing ...! if the first time the script Linggar Teak Masyumi desperately 'anti Linggar Jati' current representative in the cabinet and deputy Masyumi Islamic Ummah alone which was the last state to sell until they run total, the Republic of Indonesia as an independent country has really gone broke while PDRI has no part whatever, because kemudia Mr.

6.  Proclamation of the Islamic State of Indonesia

Whatever the reason treaty Room Royen is an act of leadership they have the heart to sell Indonesian independence was fought for and defended with the blood and sweat of the people, just as Sukarno cs return liberation from prison and is ready to enter into the "Modern Zoo", which is the United States of Indonesia (RIS) as the State Puppet Colony. Because of formal will be completed at the Round Table Conference (RTC) in The Hague next month september.

to attend the Round Table Conference, RI sends a delegation diimpin by Moh. Hatta and they went to Holland, On August 6, 1949, SM. Kartosuwiryo looked at, with the departure of the delegation Hatta, as the culmination of the destruction of Indonesia which was proclaimed August 17, 1945, and the collapse of dignity PDRI. So this time, really very vacuum, both in terms of military policy, either de facto or de yure. Clearer picture of the situation disclosed in the notice no. 1197 compiled by SM. Kartosuwiryo;


Government Ma'lumat

Islamic State of Indonesia

No. 1197

Syahdan, then monetary affairs national independence, preceded the proclamation of the founding of the Republic of Indonesia, 17 August 1945, never mind an end to history. People give more grandiose interpretation, that are soaring, through space, one can find again the reasons are more slippery, more legal, more statrech, more volcanic recbtelijk, but even reversed provisions, the power of turning black into white , vanity becomes haq, halal haram .... As clever-clever human nature, so it is not the power of turning east west, as high as storks fly back to the base of the first principal, in enemy hands, the hands of the Dutch.

Alhamdulillah when empty (vacuum), when there is no power and accountable administration (GEJAGE EN REGERINGS vacuum) then at a critical (dangerous) and psychologisch weak nation that the Islamic ummah Indonesia braced himself, expressed the attitude and stance, a clear unequivocal to the whole world: The establishment of the Proclamation of the Islamic State of Indonesia, 7-8-1949. at the time automatically (with the establishment), Indonesia struggles to switch direction, shape, nature, pattern and purpose, becomes: struggle of Islam in Indonesia. In the name of Indonesian Islamic Ummah, and encouraged by God's command in Sura Isro verse 81, which begins with lafadz (Wa qu) which means: 'Proklamasikanlah' then the date to coincide 7-8-1949 12 Shawwal 1368H. BC. Kartosuwiryo mem [roklamirkan establishment of the "Islamic State of Indonesia" which has to be carefully and meticulously. Proclamation made in Cisampang, Cidugalem village, Cigalontong, Tasikmalaya. The full text of the following, as follows:


Berdirinya Negara Islam Indonesia

Dengan Nama Allah yang Maha Murah dan Maha Asih

Kami ummat Islam Bangsa Indonesia

Menyatakan : Berdirinya “ NEGARA ISLAM INDONESIA “

Maka Hukum Yang Berlaku Atas Negara Islam Indonesia itu Ialah


Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar

Atas nama Ummat Islam

Bangsa Indonesia

Imam Negara Islam Indonesia



Madinah Indonesia, 12 Syawal 1368 / 7 Agustus 1949 M

Short Description:

Alhamdulillah, Allah has pleased the Almighty bestowed gifts upon the Islamic Ummah Indonesian nation state is the gift of God which covers the whole of Indonesia.
The gift of God's country, is the "Islamic State of Indonesia" / "Darul Islam" in other words "Ad-Islamiyah Sovereignty," or by the abbreviation often used the "IN", then just use the official term, the Islamic State of Indonesia.
Since September 1945, the day of the Netherlands to Indonesia. Specifically in Java, or a month later than the proclamation standing "State of Indonesia", the national revolution which starts on the date of 17-8-1945 was a war, so since then over Indonesia in a state of war.
Islamic State of Indonesia grow the days of the war in the midst of a national revolution at the end of the script renvile and later after the Islamic Ummah wake up and rise up against the ferocity of the invaders and enslavement committed by the Dutch changed the nature and its form becomes for the Islamic Revolution / Holy War.
Insha Allah, Holy War / Islamic Revolution will continue until:
Islamic State of Indonesia was established with the tranquil and upright teguhnya, out and into 100% de facto and de yure throughout Indonesia.
The disappearance of all kinds of colonialism and slavery.
Expulsion of all the enemies of God, enemies of Islam and enemies of the Islamic State of Indonesia.
Islamic law applies throughout the Islamic State of Indonesia.
During Indonesia's Islamic State in time of war / DI fi waktil harbi
So all applicable laws in those days, in the Islamic State of Indonesia is setti Islamic law in wartime.
The proclamation was broadcast around the world, because of Indonesian Islamic community opinion and believes that now is the time came to "sacred obligation" which is similar to that for maintaining the safety of the Islamic State of Indonesia and all its people, as well as to maintain the sanctity Dien, especially true for "mendhohirkan sovereignty of God in the world.
In adults, the national struggle for independence which attempted diving shipwreck nearly even 4 years already.
May God justify the proclamation of the establishment of the Islamic State of Indonesia is nevertheless a Insha Allah, Amin.


Because it is done at the time of vacuum, the Proclamation of the Islamic State is lawful Indonesi everywhere, not to establish a state above the state (within the country) because Indonesia has entered into the RIS, resulting in equal status with the other doll, kind Pasundan State, State Sumatra, Borneo states and others whose functions come memras and colonized the nation and the people themselves.
In contrast to the proclamation of the Republic of Indonesia in 1945, which made the Japanese diplomacy and initiative, and do so in a hurry. So the proclamation of the Islamic State of Indonesia enforced the pigeon drop dead ribua Shuhada and Mujahideen, as well as through the preparation and unhurried.
Islamic State of Indonesia is the elaboration of the government and monarchy (Mulkiyah) of God on earth Indonesia, by imposing the law of God, the laws of Islam. So since the self-proclaimed Islamic State of Indonesia, became obligatory for the entire Islamic Ummah Indonesia to menrima, support, and memperthankannya. to the laws of Islam as a whole, there is no proof at all before God later, Indonesia for the Islamic Ummah to reject the Islamic State of Indonesia.
Islamic State of Indonesia is the only "Jama'ah" in Indonesia, which is justified by Islam stands in sabilillah and Shirotol Mustaqim, then the whole group (firqoh-firqoh) Muslims in Indonesia. should be merged into the structural Negara Islam Indonesia, because the true (Haq) was only one course beyond the right is wrong. Surat Yunus verse 32.

1. Round Table Conference (RTC) and RIS Itself

Setelsh got experience "Cepu mountain warfare" against TII, the Netherlands concluded that TII is a considerable force, which can be condemned dominance in Indonesia. And they had a sour heart, having to face the TII directly. They saw with their own eyes, there is tremendous power in themselves the Army of Islam, which is sometimes unexpected ratio. That is why they made the tactic again, a cunning ploy once, which makes the figures of the non-Muslims of Indonesia, who had surrendered, both civilian and military sebgai the dolls that were being used to confront the power of the Islamic Army of Indonesia.

then offered "talks" to the head of the republic who had surrendered and is in custody, they were received with joy. Sukarno gave mandate to Mr. Moh. Room for menrima bid negotiations, which it always is dictated by the Dutch. Thus was born what is commonly called "Statmen Room-Royen", whose contents are:

Crease Fire or cease fire.
Round Table Conference / RTC and
Cooperation / Samed Working between the Republic and the Netherlands.
Natijah of statmen is ready to head RI widened puppet government "Dutch" in implementing the social and political economy of colonial legislation, which memras and oppress its people. Especially the Islamic Ummah Indonesian nation. Statme is then matured in the last RTC 23-08-1949 s / d 02-11-1949 in Den Hag, by establishing a State Federation, is a combination of puppet states in the United States of Indonesia (RIS) in the conference also Netherlands transferred sovereignty RIS on 27-12-1949, and the same thing happened Jakarta of Indonesia to the RIS, while RIS is a conspiracy (cooperation) among the hypocrites (secular figures) and the infidels (the Dutch government) in confront the power of Indonesian Islamic community that has been ruled by the Islamic State of Indonesia. Is intended by God (His Word) Q.S. Al-Anfal verse 73: "As for the Gentile people, are protectors of one another (working together in the face of those who believe), if you (the Muslims) are not doing what God has commanded it (brotherhood firm Among the Muslims) will undoubtedly be chaos on earth, and great mischief. "

all very regrettable, Masyumi figures and other Islamic parties, who claim mempejuangkan Islam, not alert to this dirty game and crafty, so they fall into the trap of conspiracy, between munafiqin and infidels. They accept and support RIS and reject the Islamic State of Indonesia, about Muslims should be mandatory sebgai, accept and support an Islamic state of Indonesia, which is clearly illegal and Islam, and reject RIS ostensibly secular (pagan) and illegitimate birth in the land of Indonesia This, especially their actions were solely based on the count Ro'yo (Ratio) had ridden lust, berdsarkan no revelation at all, because his life is no longer possible orientations ukhrowi, but worldly (materialistic). That's thanks to their support, RIS as a fragile secular institutions to be strong and firm position, especially after M.Natsir As with the leadership of the mission Masyumi filed RIS integral to parliament on 3 April 1950 agreed to modify the RIS to the Unitary Republic of Indonesia or the Indonesian Unity ( RIK) while Sukarno as president was accompanied by Moh. Hatta as his deputy.

2. Tactics RIK Facing Islamic State of Indonesia.

As the realization of KMB Dutch began to withdraw gradually from Indonesia after the puppet state visits, the RIS is quite sturdy and strong footing, both political and military, so it was deemed able to realize its main programs, namely "De Islamization" or siltation values Islam among the Muslims Nation of Indonesia, especially in the face of the Islamic State of Indonesia and his TII. Strategic positions, equipment and military headquarters, as well as the urban areas that had been controlled by the Dutch, has now been handed over to the Republic and its military. Indonesia Islamic State Party still controls only rural areas and mountains since the handover of sovereignty to the RIS, running tight, so that the Islamic State of Indonesia did not win.

Sukarno looked at the problem of the Islamic State of Indonesia as a major issue to be dealt with seriously and he argues that the power of the Islamic State of Indonesia is due to support Muslims. To deal with this, Sukarno tried to embrace the Islamic ummah figures, in this case it has been widely Masyumi instrumental in saving and maintaining this secular country, to participate actively in managing the war newly established state unity, as a continuation of the RIS, of course course this does not mean that Sukarno had changed direction from secular to Islamist, "no". But merely as a tactic just to manipulate figures in order to recruit Masyumi Islamic ummah who have been supporting the Islamic State of Indonesia, especially in West Java and Central Java to the west. So ditampilkanlah Moh. Natsir as the first prime minister of the RIK, assisted by several other figures from Masyumi who participated in the new cabinet was formed in September 1950.

The main task of the cabinet Natsir is completed as soon as possible the problems wild guerrilla groups, particularly the Islamic State of Indonesia and his TII, the government program that consists of 7 chapters, cabinet prioritizes Article 5, namely refining and reintegration of members of the armed forces forces and guerrilla groups into the society over which the core and the program is addressed to the Islamic State of Indonesia and his TII.

At first, in the realization of this program, the cabinet Natsir smooth and flexible path, namely to persuade the militants to immediately surrender TII, RIK government announced "amnesty offer" on November 14, 1950, that it gives an opportunity for insurgents to immediately report to yourself to government officials / local district offices from 28 months until December 14th, they promised to be accepted as a member of the armed forces (TNI) or provide new livelihoods in order to live well in the community. Natsir also personally tried to convince leaders of the Islamic State of Indonesia, the struggle for enactment of Islamic law in Indonesia has reached the final stages of the ummah that is through elections that will soon be implemented, which will certainly win Muslims, while Sukarno and Hatta guarantee to enforce Islamic law in this State if the Islamic ummah achieve a majority in the general elections later. It is therefore no longer necessary violence, causing damage, perhaps even bloodshed among the Ummah of Islam itself.

Simultaneously, the government issued detailed instructions regarding the submission procedure, fearing that the rebels seek opportunity of the occasion to attack suddenly or secretly move their troops. The government of the Republic ordered that they should openly carry their weapons, the troops at their disposal, the troops moved to the office of the District to give up, the next to wear the "Yellow Janur" crossed in the body to show their sincerity.

BC. Kartosuwiryo as imam of the Islamic State of Indonesia and supreme commander TII rejected the "offer amnesty" is a very strong argument and can not be denied either judicially or by Historically, he stated that the Islamic State of Indonesia is the sole legal government of Indonesia . Not a mob / rabble who had surrendered, instead of the Republic of Indonesia Unity (RIK) is not his birth, because he was born from the belly of the colonial occupation with the quarter system. Indonesia currently has no legitimate government and the State that has been proclaimed, the Islamic State of Indonesia. Where for the establishment never surrender to the occupation, he deeply regretted even once. Why M. Natsir Muslim is like being manipulated by secular people and puppets colony to destroy the Islamic State of Indonesia which clearly have imposed Islamic law based on the Quran and Al-Hadith Sholeh, and has asked the sacrifice of thousands of martyrs.

He also confirmed that Natsir is not the highest authority in the Republic, but he was just a tool of secular leaders when they are not needed, he will dicampakan back to ordinary people. That's why BC. Kartosuwiryo immediately instructed all ranks TII to respond, let alone obey seruhan amnesty from the cabinet Natsir it. Most who give themselves a result of the amnesty offer was wild gangs, such as guerrilla organization called the police, Barisan Dare Dead (BBM) which operate in areas well away from the hordes Brigade Navan, Citarum division of stakes that wing socialist, many who had surrendered. While from the TII, only a small fraction are affected by this Amnesty, which is located in the remote areas making it difficult to communicate with the central leadership, persuasion, influenced by local clerics indeed assigned by the government, such as some areas in West Java and Central Java to the west. Some troops went TII district office to surrender, but they are not welcome, as it has promised and penguman amnesty, but they welcomed military forces, ready to slaughter them with gunfire and some were arrested there and then thrown into military custody. The incident became known as the event "Janur Yellow", which is a huge betrayal of secular military forces, and indirectly M. Natsir was involved in this betrayal that later became a black sheet in the history of the Islamic State of Indonesia.

However, the amnesty offer for the cabinet considered a major failure in realizing Natsir reintegration program mainly by the military who are upset with this move. They consider the software that it will not matter anymore, because before, they had taken the approach road to the religious figures sent to negotiate with SM. Kartosuwiryo proved a total failure, including Wali Al-Fatah who feel confident to subdue Hujjah-Hujjah (arguments) SM. Kartosuwiryo. Soon undertakes himself to persuade SM. Kartosuwiryo order to stop the activity. Then in May 1950, accompanied by three assistants, namely tasik wira, Muslikh and Zainuddin. Wali Al-Fatah try to establish contact relationships with leaders in the Cipanuyaran TII, the slopes of the mountain Chakra globe to meet with BC. Kartosuwiryo.

But apparently Wali Al-Fatah has not opened his heart to receive the truth, because the risk is deemed too heavy, he went back to the republic with the disappointment in the failure of His attempt. To cover this disappointment he expressed to the government no alternative untik face movements of the Islamic State of Indonesia, except for the military action.

Indeed demikina finally, after Natsir appeal fails, the Republican army launched "Operation Freedom", that military operations against TII and other militants files. For about 8 months M. Natsir survive as prime minister, because in April 1951, he had resigned and then was replaced by Sukiman, also a political from the Masyumi.

Capture causes Imam

Obtaining information from TII leaders who have been in the hands of the TNI and TNI is a ruse, because the information provided includes the highest leadership secrets and confidential TII congregation of Indonesian Muslims.
Dihadirkannya during the operation (Pager Betis).
22 April 1962 there was an attack directly against the central leaders of the Islamic State of Indonesia, 24 April 1962 a second attack against the central leadership of the Islamic State of Indonesia, resulting in scattered group shot and wounded Imam dipantatnya. 4 June 1962 Mr SM. Kartosuwiryo caught in a state of severe pain by company C bataliyon 328 on Cleaver II kodam VI / Siliwangi led by Second Lieutenant in the complex Suhanda Mount Gebos malaya Bandung.

In april 1962, one year after the war with a password mengadan action barata yudha the TII ultimately change a jihad military war tactics of guerrilla warfare ideology in the city. Imam finally decided with all consideration and instructed all military forces down the mountain TII, TII regain the strength that has been weakened by the strength and the new method. Going down the mountain does not mean giving up but set up a military struggle with the civil tactical finesse (QS 33/10, 8/15-16).

Rejection Imam Jihad to Stop

When Imam SM. Kartosuwiryo already in custody Kodam VI / Siliwangi, then dilanjukan to him a written statement made by the military leadership that must be signed by him; statement include:

The order to stop the Jihad Fi Sabilillah.
Revocation of the proclamation of 7 - 08 - 1949.
Imam flatly refused to sign the statement, insisting among other things: the command that Jihad is an absolute God's command, so you do not have any authority to stop it.

The proclamation problem is, that the SM. Kartosuwiryo refused to dissolve, he stated that only in charge of establishing the Islamic State of Indonesia and had no right to dissolve it.

Imam court

Implementation of the military court against Imam dilaksanaka actually a formality, because since the previous military leaders already made the decision to retain the death penalty for him, as for the sentence in West Java and Madura to the father of Imam stated in the decree dated 16-8-1962 no X / III / 8/1962. Implementation is being carried out at 07.00 (am) on 5 September 1962 and his remains interred on the island complex of the Great Sweet thousand islands. It should be noted here that "officer" Commander implementing decree Ma'had per Java, Madura above is Brigadier General Omar Wira Hadi Kusuma as commander kodam V / Jaya time.

While the priest was killed, but the struggle continues. But technically revamped (QS 3/144), when to turn back, broke up (fight stopped), then go back to Ignorance.

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